This book contains the words of Jeremiah the Prophet which he dictated to his aide, Baruch. His ministry began in 627 B.C. and ended some time after 580, probably in Egypt. The Prophet is much concerned with rewards and punishments, the recompense for good and evil, faithfulness and disobedience. He criticized Judah for its worship of gods other than the Lord and proclaimed that God’s Covenant people must return to Him. The judgment must come, but the ominous future (later, the unhappy present) would be replaced by a new and more enduring relationship with God.
The book can be divided into five parts: 1) (Ch. 1-25) sermons against Judah; 2) (Ch. 26-35) narrative passages, interspersed with sermons; 3) (Ch. 36-45) biographical narratives about Jeremiah, probably by Baruch; 4) (Ch. 46-51) oracles against the foreign nations; and 5) (Ch. 52) a historical appendix. The Orthodox book of Jeremiah differs significantly in many places from that of the Hebrew Bible.
Reading | Read Time | Hit Count |
Jeremiah 2:2-12 (Vespers, Great Martyr Demetrios Myrovlitis of Thessalonika) | 2 mins | 2307 |
Jeremiah 11:18-12:5;9-11;14-15 (Holy Thursday First Hour) | 2 mins | 4971 |
Jeremiah 31:31-34 (Holy Saturday Vespers) | 1 min | 4892 |