Scripture Readings - Isaiah

The Prophet Isaiah proclaimed his message to Judah and Jerusalem between 742 and 687 B.C., when the Northern Kingdom was conquered by Assyria and Judah lived uneasily in its shadow. Isaiah attacks social injustice which shows Israel’s weak adherence to God’s laws. He exhorts the people to place their confidence in the Almighty (Omnipotent) God and to lead private and public lives which demonstrate this.
In Chapters 40-66, this theme is extended further and the author demonstrates the significance of historical events in God’s plan, which extends from Creation to Redemption and beyond. In this section we find the beautiful Suffering Servant oracles, referring to the Messiah our Lord Jesus Christ.
The book of the Prophet Isaiah has always been held in highest esteem by the Orthodox Church, and is quoted and used above all other prophetic books of the Old Testament in her liturgical life. This is especially evident during the Great Lent when it is read every day at the service of the Sixth Hour.

Reading Read Time Hit Count
Isaiah 1:1-20 (1st Monday of Lent) 3 mins 6964
Isaiah 1:16-20 (Eve of the Theophany) 1 min 5175
Isaiah 1:19-2:4 (1st Tuesday of Lent) 2 mins 6053
Isaiah 2:2-3 (Ascension Thursday Vespers) 1 min 4671
Isaiah 2:3-11 (1st Wednesday of Lent) 1 min 4534
Isaiah 2:11-21 (1st Thursday of Lent) 1 min 5773
Isaiah 3:1-15 (1st Friday of Lent) 2 mins 4497
Isaiah 4:2-5:7 (2nd Monday of Lent) 2 mins 4322
Isaiah 5:7-16 (2nd Tuesday of Lent) 1 min 5753
Isaiah 5:16-25 (2nd Wednesday of Lent) 1 min 6329
Isaiah 6:1-12 (2nd Thursday of Lent) 2 mins 4691
Isaiah 7:1-15 (2nd Friday of Lent) 2 mins 4735
Isaiah 7:10-16; 8.1-4; 8:8-10 (Eve of the Nativity) 1 min 5027
Isaiah 8:13-9:7 (3rd Monday of Lent) 3 mins 4439
Isaiah 9:6-7 (Eve of the Nativity) - 5082
Isaiah 9:9-10:4 (3rd Tuesday of Lent) 2 mins 5602
Isaiah 10:12-20 (3rd Wednesday of Lent) 2 mins 5487
Isaiah 11:1-10 (Eve of the Nativity) 1 min 4794
Isaiah 11:10-12:2 (3rd Thursday of Lent) 2 mins 5938
Isaiah 12:3-6 (Eve of the Theophany) - 4388
Isaiah 13:2-13 (3rd Friday of Lent) 2 mins 4316
Isaiah 14:7-20 (Bodiless Powers) 2 mins 5535
Isaiah 14:24-32 (4th Monday of Lent) 1 min 4265
Isaiah 25:1-9 (4th Tuesday of Lent) 1 min 4311