Scripture Readings - Psalms

The Psalter (also known as the Psalms of David) is the Old Testament book that contains hymns and poems traditionally ascribed to the Holy Prophet and King David, ancestor of our Lord Jesus Christ. Virtually every aspect of worship—praise, thanksgiving, penitence, intercession—is covered in the Psalter.
See also:

Daily Readings from the Orthodox Psalter
Septuagint Numbering of Psalms

Reading Read Time Hit Count
Psalms Chanted in the Services 7 mins 9418
Psalms in Antiphons 1 min 11695
Psalms in Communion Hymns - 9660
Psalms in Prokeimenon and Alleluia Verses 1 min 11972
Psalm 1 (Saturday Vespers and at vigils) 1 min 6910
Psalm 2 (First Royal Hour, Holy Friday) 1 min 6870
Psalm 3 (Matins, Six Psalms 1st) 1 min 6294
Psalm 4 (Great Compline, Lent) 1 min 5439
Psalm 5 (First Hour, First Royal Hour, Holy Friday, First Royal Hour, Nativity and Theophany) 1 min 6118
Psalm 6 (Great Compline, Lent) 1 min 5758
Psalm 7:7,1 (Sunday Matins Prokeimenon ) - 5311
Psalm 7 (Saturday (Saturday and Wednesday during Great Lent)) 2 mins 2815
Psalm 8 (Saturday and Wednesday during Great Lent) 1 min 2665
Psalm 9:33, 1 (Sunday Matins Prokeimenon, Fifth Tone) - 4767
Psalm 9:33, 1 (Sunday Matins Prokeimenon, Seventh Tone) - 5038
Psalm 9 (Sunday (Sunday and Wednesday during Great Lent)) 4 mins 2683
Psalm 10 (Sunday (Sunday and Wednesday during Great Lent)) 1 min 2561
Psalm 11:5, 6, 7 (Sunday Matins Prokeimenon, First Tone) - 4885
Psalm 11:8, 1 (Sunday Liturgy Prokeimenon, Tone 5) - 4380
Psalm 11 (Sunday (Sunday and Wednesday during Great Lent)) 1 min 2804
Psalm 12 (Great Compline, Lent) 1 min 4709
Psalm 13 (Sunday (Sunday and Wednesday during Great Lent)) 1 min 2709
Psalm 14 (Sunday (Sunday and Wednesday during Great Lent)) 1 min 2617
Psalm 15 (Sunday (Sunday and Wednesday during Great Lent)) 1 min 2746