Jeremiah 11:18-12:5;9-11;14-15 (Holy Thursday First Hour)

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Jeremiah 11:18-12:5;9-11;14-15 (Holy Thursday First Hour)

The LORD made it known to me and I knew; then thou didst show me their evil deeds.  But I was like a gentle lamb led to the slaughter. I did not know it was against me they devised schemes, saying, “Let us destroy the tree with its fruit, let us cut him off from the land of the living, that his name be remembered no more.”  But, O LORD of hosts, who judgest righteously, who triest the heart and the mind, let me see thy vengeance upon them, for to thee have I committed my cause.  Therefore thus says the LORD concerning the men of An’athoth, who seek your life, and say, “Do not prophesy in the name of the LORD, or you will die by our hand” —  therefore thus says the LORD of hosts: “Behold, I will punish them; the young men shall die by the sword; their sons and their daughters shall die by famine;  and none of them shall be left. For I will bring evil upon the men of An’athoth, the year of their punishment.”

“If you have raced with men on foot, and they have wearied you, how will you compete with horses? And if in a safe land you fall down, how will you do in the jungle of the Jordan?  Is my heritage to me like a speckled bird of prey? Are the birds of prey against her round about? Go, assemble all the wild beasts; bring them to devour.  Many shepherds have destroyed my vineyard, they have trampled down my portion, they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness.  They have made it a desolation; desolate, it mourns to me. The whole land is made desolate, but no man lays it to heart.  Thus says the LORD concerning all my evil neighbors who touch the heritage which I have given my people Israel to inherit: “Behold, I will pluck them up from their land, and I will pluck up the house of Judah from among them.  And after I have plucked them up, I will again have compassion on them, and I will bring them again each to his heritage and each to his land.