Psalm 89 (First Hour)

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Psalm 89 (First Hour)

(Psalm 90 – Hebrew Numbering)

Lord, Thou hast been our refuge in generation and generation.
Before the mountains came to be and the earth was formed and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting Thou art.
Turn not man away unto lowliness; yea, Thou hast said: Turn back, ye sons of men.
For a thousand years in Thine eyes, O Lord, are but as yesterday that is past, and as a watch in the night.
Things of no account shall their years be; in the morning like grass shall man pass away.
In the morning shall he bloom and pass away, in the evening shall he fall and grow withered and dry.
For we have fainted away in Thy wrath, and in Thine anger have we been troubled.
Thou hast set our iniquities before Thee; our lifespan is in the light of Thy countenance.
For all our days are faded away, and in Thy wrath are we fainted away; our years have, like a spider, spun out their tale.
As for the days of our years, in their span they be threescore years and ten.
And if we be in strength, mayhap fourscore years; and what is more than these is toil and travail.
For mildness is come upon us, and we shall be chastened.
Who knoweth the might of Thy wrath? And out of fear of Thee, who can recount Thine anger?
So make Thy right hand known to me, and to them that in their heart are instructed in wisdom.
Return, O Lord; how long? And be Thou entreated concerning Thy servants.
We were filled in the morning with Thy mercy, O Lord, and we rejoiced and were glad.
In all our days, let us be glad for the days wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years wherein we saw evils.
And look upon Thy servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou guide their sons.
And let the brightness of the Lord our God be upon us, and the works of our hands do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of our hands do Thou guide aright.