Psalm 45 (Mid-hour of First Hour,First Royal Hour, Nativity)

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Psalm 45 (Mid-hour of First Hour,First Royal Hour, Nativity)

(Psalm 46 – Hebrew Numbering)

Our God is refuge and strength, a helper in afflictions which mightily befall us.
Therefore shall we not fear when the earth be shaken, nor when the mountains be removed into the heart of the seas.
Their waters roared and were troubled, the mountains were troubled by His might.
The rushings of the river make glad the city of God; the Most High hath hallowed His tabernacle.
God is in the midst of her, she shall not be shaken; God shall help her right early in the morning.
The nations were troubled, kingdoms tottered, the Most High gave forth His voice, the earth was shaken.
The Lord of hosts is with us, our helper is the God of Jacob.
Come and behold the works of God, what marvels He hath wrought on the earth, making wars to cease unto the ends of the earth.
He will crush the bow and will shatter the weapon, and shields will He utterly burn with fire.
Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.
The Lord of hosts is with us, our helper is the God of Jacob.