Psalm 39 (Monday (Monday and Wednesday during Lent))

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Psalm 39 (Kathisma 6)

Read on Monday (Monday and Wednesday during Lent)

For the End: A Psalm of David.

(Psalm 40 – Hebrew Numbering)

With patience I waited patiently for the Lord, and He was attentive unto me, and He hearkened unto my supplication.
And He brought me up out of the pit of misery, and from the mire of clay.
And He set my feet upon a rock, and He ordered my steps aright.
And He hath put into my mouth a new song, a hymn unto our God.
Many shall see, and shall fear, and shall hope in the Lord.
Blessed is the man, whose hope is in the name of the Lord, and who hath not looked upon vanities and false frenzies.
Many, O Lord my God, are Thy wonders which Thou hast wrought, and Thy thoughts there is none that shall be likened unto Thee.
I declared and spake: They are multiplied beyond number.
Sacrifice and offering hast Thou not desired, but a body hast Thou perfected for me.
Whole-burnt offerings and oblations for sin hast Thou not demanded.
Then I said: Behold, I am come (in the heading of the book it is written concerning me) to do Thy will, O my God, and Thy law is in the midst of my bowels.
I have proclaimed the good tidings of Thy righteousness in the great congregation; lo, my lips I shall not restrain; Lord, Thou knowest it.
Thy righteousness have I not hid in my heart; Thy truth and Thy salvation have I declared. I have not concealed Thy mercy, nor Thy truth, from the great assemblage.
But Thou, O Lord, remove not Thy compassions far from me; let Thy mercy and Thy truth continually help me.
For evils without number have encompassed me; mine iniquities took hold of me, and I became unable to see.
They are multiplied more than the hairs of my head, and my heart hath failed me. Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me; O Lord, be attentive unto helping me.
Let them be shamed and confounded together which seek after my soul, to destroy it.
Let them be turned back and confounded that desire evils for me.
Let them quickly receive shame for their reward, who say to me: Well done, well done.
Let them rejoice and be glad in Thee all they that seek after Thee, O Lord; and let them that love Thy salvation continually say: The Lord be magnified. But as for me, a poor man am I and a pauper; the Lord will care for me.
My helper and my defender art Thou, O my God; make no tarrying.