Scripture Readings - Psalms

The Psalter (also known as the Psalms of David) is the Old Testament book that contains hymns and poems traditionally ascribed to the Holy Prophet and King David, ancestor of our Lord Jesus Christ. Virtually every aspect of worship—praise, thanksgiving, penitence, intercession—is covered in the Psalter.
See also:

Daily Readings from the Orthodox Psalter
Septuagint Numbering of Psalms

Reading Read Time Hit Count
Psalm 70 (Wednesday (Tuesday and Thursday during Lent)) 3 mins 2417
Psalm 71 (Sixth Royal Hour, Nativity) 2 mins 5051
Psalm 72 (Wednesday (Tuesday and Thursday during Lent)) 2 mins 2424
Psalm 73 (Sixth Royal Hour, Theophany) 2 mins 6525
Psalm 74 (Wednesday (Tuesday and Thursday during Lent)) 1 min 2389
Psalm 75: 11, 1 (Sunday Liturgy, Prokeimenon, Tone 8) - 4370
Psalm 75 (Wednesday (Tuesday and Thursday during Lent)) 1 min 2406
Psalm 76 (Sixth Royal Hour, Theophany) 2 mins 5195
Psalm 79:2,1 (Sunday Matins Prokeimenon, Sixth Tone) - 4511
Psalm 83 (Ninth Hour, Consecration of a Church) 1 min 4761
Psalm 84 (Ninth Hour) 1 min 4437
Psalm 85 (Ninth Hour, Ninth Royal Hour, Holy Friday, Ninth Royal Hour, Nativity and Theophany) 2 mins 5311
Psalm 86 (Third Royal Hour, Nativity, Consecration of a Church) 1 min 6368
Psalm 87 (Matins, Six Psalms 4th) 2 mins 5561
Psalm 88:2, 3 (Alleluia, Tone 5) - 4704
Psalm 89 (First Hour) 2 mins 5294
Psalm 90:1, 2 (Alleluia, Tone 6) - 4812
Psalm 90 (Sixth Hour, Great Compline – Lent, others) 2 mins 6932
Psalm 91:1, 2 (Alleluia, Tone 7) - 4625
Psalm 91 (Mid-hour of First Hour, Service of Burial of a Priest) 1 min 4456
Psalm 92 (Mid-hour of First Hour, Ninth Royal Hour, Theophany) 1 min 5065
Psalm 94:1, 2 (Alleluia, Tone 8) - 4850
Psalm 95:10, 1 (Sunday Matins Prokeimenon Third Tone) - 4924
Psalm 98:5, 1 (Prokeimenon Tone 7, Evation of the Cross) - 3558