Scripture Readings - Old Testament Readings

Old Testament
The Old Testament is the first part of the Bible, the books written before the coming of Christ. They are divided into four groups: 1. Books of the Law; 2. Historical Books; 3. Doctrinal and 4. Prophetical.
The Old Testament scripture begins with the five books of the Law called the Pentateuch, which means the five books; also called the Torah, which means the Law. Sometimes these books are also called the Books of Moses since they are centered on the exodus and the Mosaic laws.
In the Old Testament there are also books of the history of Israel; books called the Wisdom books such as the Psalms, Proverbs, and the Book of Job; and books of the prophecies which carry the names of the Old Testament prophets. A prophet is one who speaks the Word of God by direct divine inspiration. Only secondarily does the word prophet mean one who foretells the future.
The Orthodox Church also numbers among the genuine books of the Old Testament the so-called apocryphal books, meaning literally the secret or hidden writings. Other Christians put these books in a secondary place or reject completely their being of divine inspiration.

Reading Read Time Hit Count
I King 17:8-24 (Holy Saturday Vespers) 3 mins 5511
Job 38:1-23;42:1-5 (Holy Thursday Vespers) 2 mins 5187
Psalms in Prokeimenon and Alleluia Verses 1 min 11973
Proverbs 3:1-18 (1st Thursday of Lent) 1 min 5371
Genesis 1:14-23 (1st Tuesday of Lent) 1 min 6063
II Kings 5:9-14 (Eve of the Theophany) 1 min 5110
Wisdom of Solomon – Composite of 4, 6, 7, 2 (Vespers – St John Chrysostom) 3 mins 6899
Proverbs 3:11-18 (Vespers – Exaltation of the Cross) 1 min 4274
Isaiah 2:3-11 (1st Wednesday of Lent) 1 min 4489
Exodus 12:1-11 (Holy Saturday Vespers) 1 min 4573
Job 42:12-16 (Holy Friday Vespers) 1 min 4458
Psalm 1 (Saturday Vespers and at vigils) 1 min 6911
Ezekiel 37:1-14 (Holy Saturday Matins) 2 mins 6258
Genesis 1:24-2:3 (1st Wednesday of Lent) 2 mins 7381
I Kings 18:30-39 (Eve of the Theophany) 2 mins 5337
Psalm 2 (First Royal Hour, Holy Friday) 1 min 6871
Wisdom of Solomon Composite of 6, 7, 8, 9 (Vespers- St. Gregory) 2 mins 7924
I Kings 19:3-9, 11-13, 15-16 (Vespers – Transfiguration) 2 mins 4587
Exodus 12:15-13:16 (Vespers – Meeting of Our Lord) 8 mins 3773
Ezekiel 43:27-44:4 (Annunciation fore-feast) 1 min 6075
Isaiah 2:11-21 (1st Thursday of Lent) 1 min 5726
Proverbs 3:19-34 (1st Friday of Lent) 1 min 6251
Genesis 2:4-19 (1st Thursday of Lent) 2 mins 5847
Psalm 3 (Matins, Six Psalms 1st) 1 min 6294