Psalm 76 (Sixth Royal Hour, Theophany)

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Psalm 76 (Sixth Royal Hour, Theophany)

(Psalm 77 – Hebrew Numbering)

With my voice unto the Lord have I cried, with my voice unto God, and He was attentive unto me.
In the day of mine affliction I sought out God, with my hands upraised by night before Him, and I was not deceived.
My soul refused to be comforted; I remembered God and I was gladdened; I spake in idleness and my spirit became faint-hearted.
Mine eyes were wakeful before the watches; I was troubled and spake not.
I thought upon the days of old, and the years of ages past I called to mind, and I meditated.
By night I pondered in my heart, and my spirit searched diligently.
Will the Lord then cast me off unto the ages, and will He be favourable no more?
Or will He cut off His mercy unto the end?
Hath He brought to an end His word from generation to generation?
Or will the Lord forget to be merciful? Or in His wrath will He shut up His compassions for ever?
And I said: Now have I made a beginning; this change hath been wrought by the right hand of the Most High.
I remembered the works of the Lord; for I will remember Thy wonders from the beginning.
And I will meditate on all Thy works, and I shall ponder upon Thy ways.
O God, in the sanctuary is Thy way.
What God is as great as our God?
Thou art God Who workest wonders.
Thou hast made Thy power among the peoples; with Thine arm hast Thou redeemed Thy people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph.
The waters saw Thee, O God, the waters saw Thee and were afraid; the abysses were troubled.
Great was the resounding sound of the waters, the clouds gave forth a voice.
Yea, for thine arrows passed abroad; the voice of Thy thunder is in their rolling.
And Thy lightnings have lightened the world; the earth was shaken and it trembled.
In the sea are Thy byways, and Thy paths in many waters; and Thy footsteps shall not be known.
Thou leddest Thy people as sheep by the hand of Moses and Aaron.