Scripture Readings -

Reading Read Time Hit Count
I Peter 2:11-24 (Vespers, Apostles) 2 mins 4788
Jude 11-16 (Vespers, Apostle Jude) 1 min 3650
Jude 1:17-25 (Vespers, Apostle Jude) 1 min 3798
Judges – composite of 13:2-8, 13-14, 17-18, 21 (Vespers, Nativity of Baptist John) 1 min 5844
I Kings – Composite of 17:1-23 (Vespers, Prophet Elias) 3 mins 3752
I Kings – Composite of 18, 19 (Vespers, Prophet Elias) 8 mins 4461
I Kings – Composite of – I Kings 19:19, 20, 21; II Kings 2:1,6-14 (Vespers, Prophet Elias) 2 mins 5187
I John 4:1-6 (Vespers, Saint) 1 min 4804
Leviticus – Composite Ch. 26 (Vespers, Indiction) 2 mins 4157
Matthew 14:1-13 (7th Tuesday after Pentecost) 1 min 3969
Matthew 14:35-15:11 (7th Wednesday after Pentecost) 1 min 4556
Matthew 15:29-31 (7th Friday after Pentecost) - 3723
Matthew 15:12-21 (7th Thursday after Pentecost) 1 min 3401
Matthew 16:6-12 (8th Tuesday after Pentecost) 1 min 3963
Matthew 16:20-24 (8th Wednesday after Pentecost) 1 min 3938
Matthew 16:24-28 (8th Thursday after Pentecost) 1 min 4343
Matthew 17:10-18 (8th Friday after Pentecost) 1 min 3618
Matthew 18:1-11 (9th Monday after Pentecost) 1 min 3806
Matthew 18:18-22; 19:1-2, 13-15 (9th Tuesday after Pentecost) 1 min 3898
Matthew 20:17-28 (9th Thursday after Pentecost) 2 mins 3665
Matthew 21:12-14, 17-20 (9th Friday after Pentecost) 1 min 3766
Matthew 21:18-22 (10th Monday after Pentecost) 1 min 3992
Matthew 21:23-27 (10th Tuesday after Pentecost) 1 min 3756
Matthew 21:28-32 (10th Wednesday after Pentecost) 1 min 3775