Scripture Readings - Psalms

The Psalter (also known as the Psalms of David) is the Old Testament book that contains hymns and poems traditionally ascribed to the Holy Prophet and King David, ancestor of our Lord Jesus Christ. Virtually every aspect of worship—praise, thanksgiving, penitence, intercession—is covered in the Psalter.
See also:

Daily Readings from the Orthodox Psalter
Septuagint Numbering of Psalms

Reading Read Time Hit Count
Psalm 131 (Sixth Royal Hour, Nativity, Consecration of a Church) 2 mins 5069
Psalm 133 (Midnight Office (weekdays, Saturday)) - 5071
Psalm 134 (Matins Polyeleos) 2 mins 6893
Psalm 135 (Matins (Polyeleos)) 2 mins 12674
Psalm 136 (Matins (Polyeleos, Sundays before Lent)) 1 min 6056
Psalm 137 (Mid-hour of Ninth Hour) 1 min 4504
Psalm 139 (Mid-hour of Ninth Hour, Sixth Royal Hour, Holy Friday) 1 min 5854
Psalm 140 (Vespers (Lord, I have cried)) 1 min 12942
Psalm-141 (Vespers (Lord I have-cried)) 1 min 6230
Psalm 142 (Great Compline, Small Compline, Matins, Six Psalms 6th, Unction Service, others) 1 min 7678
Psalm 144 (Consecration of a church, Service of the Refectory) 2 mins 6856
Psalm 145:9, 1 (Sunday Matins Prokeimenon, Eighth Tone) - 4705
Psalm 145 (Typica, Divine Liturgy, Second Sunday antiphon) 1 min 6640
Psalm 146:5, 1 (Prokeimenon Tone 3, for the Indiction) - 3122
Psalm 148:1 (Communion Hymn) - 4085
Psalm 148 (Matins, Praises) 1 min 6815
Psalm 149 (Matins, Praises) 1 min 5016
Psalm 150 (Matins, Praises) - 5686