Scripture Readings - Jonah

The prophecy of Jonah and his three days in the belly of a great fish comprise one of the most-remembered of the books of the Prophets indeed, our Lord uses this image concerning his own three days and nights in the tomb (Matt. 12:38-41; Luke 11:29-32). The Prophet calls Israel to repentance and reminds her of her mission to preach to all the nations the wideness of God’s mercy and His forgiveness.
The book conveniently divides into two parts: 1) (Ch. 1-2) Jonah’s first call and disobedience, culminating in his sojourn in the belly of the fish; and 2) (Ch. 3-4) his second call to preach to Nineveh.

Reading Read Time Hit Count
Jonah entire book (Holy Saturday Vespers) 7 mins 4557
Jonah 2:2-9 – (Matins – Canticle Six – The Prayer of Jonah) 1 min 2781