Scripture Readings - John

Gospel of Saint John
This Gospel, by the Beloved Disciple, speaks of the Mystery of the Person of Jesus. He is like other men, yet quite unlike them, for He was the Son of God. He was eternally present with God, active in creating the world, and was the source of the moral and spiritual nature of man (life and light). When He became man, He made known the eternal God Whom no one has ever seen (John 1:14,18). St. John records real events, but goes beyond the other Evangelists in interpreting them. He uses symbols from common experience bread, water, light, life, shepherd, door, etc. as well as contrasts light and darkness, truth and lies, love and hatred, etc. to make the meaning of Christ clear. For this reason he is aptly called by the Church the Theologian.
The Gospel is divided in the following manner: Prologue (Ch. 1:1-18 In the beginning was the Word…); Jesus Christ as the object of Faith (Ch. 1:19-4:54); Conflicts with unbelievers (Ch. 5-12); Fellowship with believers (Ch. 13-17 (14-17 are generally known as the Farewell Discourses)); Death and Resurrection (Ch. 18-20); and (Ch. 21) An Epilogue.
The Gospel of St. John is read liturgically from Pascha until Pentecost Sunday. This Gospel is read sequentially, for the most part, for the fifty day. There are, however, several exceptions to the sequential daily reading. On three days, the Gospel lessons are taken from other Gospels:

On Bright Tuesday, from Luke
On the Sunday of the Myrrhbearers, from Mark
On Ascension Day, from Luke

Sunday readings: The Gospel lessons on the Sundays during this period (except the Sunday of the Myrrhbearers) are all taken from John, but they do not follow any particular sequence. On certain other days during the fifty-day period, the strict sequential reading from John is broken.

Reading Read Time Hit Count
John 6:40-44 (For the departed – Thursday) 1 min 4046
John 6:40-44 (3rd Thursday after Pascha) 1 min 4762
John 6:48-54 (For Burial of Priests) 1 min 4618
John 6:56-69 (4th Monday after Pascha) 1 min 4899
John 7:1-13 (4th Tuesday after Pascha) 1 min 4844
John 7:14-30 (4th Wednesday after Pascha) 2 mins 4530
John 7:37-52; 8:12 (Holy Pentecost) 2 mins 5881
John 8:12-20 (4th Thursday after Pascha) 1 min 5042
John 8:21-30 (4th Friday after Pascha) 1 min 4678
John 8:31-42 (4th Saturday after Pascha) 1 min 5621
John 8:42-51 (5th Monday after Pascha) 1 min 4650
John 8:51-59 (5th Tuesday after Pascha) 1 min 4780
John 9:1-38 (6th Sunday after Pascha) 4 mins 4782
John 9:39-10:9 (5th Thursday after Pascha) 1 min 4098
John 10:1-9 (for Saints) 1 min 5834
John 10:9-16 (Saint) 1 min 6822
John 10:17-28 (5th Friday after Pascha) 1 min 4943
John 10:27-38 (5th Saturday after Pascha) 1 min 5865
John 11:1-45 (Lazarus Saturday) 4 mins 7734
John 11:47-57 (6th Monday after Pascha) 1 min 4631
John 12:1-18 (Palm Sunday) 2 mins 8232
John 12:17-50 (Holy Wednesday Matins) 4 mins 4548
John 12:19-36 (6th Tuesday after Pascha) 2 mins 4663
John 12:28-36 (Matins – Exaltation of the Cross) 1 min 4599