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JOB – One of the books known as the Doctrinal books of the Old Testament.

The book of Job is concerned with the problem of suffering in the world. It does not attempt to explain the mystery of suffering or to justify the ways of God with men, but rather aims to probe the depths of faith in spite of suffering. It is the story of a righteous man, Job, who loses everything in the material and physical sense, but who maintains his faith in God despite his personal sufferings. The Church sees here a parallel between Job and Christ.

The book can be divided into eight parts: 1) Prologue (Ch. 1-2); 2) 1st Cycle of Speeches (Ch. 3-14); 3) 2nd Cycle of Speeches (Ch. 15-21); 4) 3rd Cycle of Speeches (Ch. 22-28); 5) Job’s final summary of his case (Ch. 29-31); 6) Elihu’s speeches (Ch. 32-37); 7) God’s speeches (Ch. 38-42:6); and 8) an Epilogue (Ch. 42:7-20).