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HEART – In scriptural terms, the spiritual center of one’s being. The heart is the seat of divine presence and grace and the source of moral acts. The transformation of the heart is the major work of God’s saving grace. (Matt. 5:8; 6:21; 22:37; Luke 6:45; John 7:38; Rom. 2:29; 10:9, 10; Heb. 13:9.)

The heart is a biblical word little understood these days, yet it has a truly profound dimension. The heart is where union with God may be consummated; as such it has a spiritual dimension. More than an emotional centre or a physical organ, the heart is a receptacle for all good and evil. The heart is our psychosomatic centre, the deepest and most profound part of our being; it is our  inner man;  out of which the energies of the psyche issue forth.

There is a close connection between the nous, the psyche, the heart, and the  inner man.