The Royal Priesthood

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The Royal Priesthood

“All you baptized in Christ, you have all clothed yourselves in Christ,” and have thus been made members of the “Royal Priesthood.” Each has been called to witness to Christ in word and action, “some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers.” It is the power of the message of God in one’s life which moves each member to action in his fullest capacity and strengthens his resolve to “love God above all else,” as our Father, Saint Herman of Alaska teaches us.

Therefore, each member of the Church is a “preacher” and cannot but proclaim the “tidings of gladness and joy.” The power of the Gospel, while dwelling within, tends to flow outward, transfiguring every aspect of creation. Where we have not been individually or collectively responsive to the Gospel of justice, it may be partly because of our own reluctance to permit the power of the Word to move us to actions of faith. Society itself cries out for an Orthodox witness: we must not only hear but act upon the Word which we have heard.

Some feel that it is not their responsibility to speak out to the world, to loved ones and family, to fellow workers and neighbors about the Good News. This kind of attitude has weakened the witness of the Royal Priesthood. But the Lord’s parables about hiding one’s lamp under a bushel, about salt losing its flavor, apply to all of us. Out of pure love for God and in thanksgiving, all baptized in the Lord should not resist the power of the Spirit within, and should bear witness in word and in action.