Articles List:

Article Read Time Hit Count Written by
Holy Relics in our church 3 mins 7512
Akathist to the Theotokos, Joy of All Who Sorrow 20 mins 28175 The Church
Brief Catechism 66 mins 12626 Fr. Basil J. Repella
Great Blessing Of Water 8 mins 14111 Fr. Thomas Hopko
How to Read the Bible 26 mins 13368 Bishop Kallistos of Diokleia
Lenten Prayer of St. Ephrem the Syrian 8 mins 11208 Fr. Alexander Schmemann
About the Patron of our Parish 13 mins 29693 Helen Creticos Theodoropoulos
Pastoral Letter of SCOBA Hierarchs 98 mins 11026 SCOBA
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts 5 mins 13187 Fr. Thomas Hopko
Great Lent – Its Meaning For Orthodox Christians 21 mins 23098 Fr. Alexander Schmemann
Holy Week 54 mins 27245 Fr. Alexander Schmemann
Where Do We Go from Here? 19 mins 4330 Metropolitan Jonah
A Time of Crisis and Opportunity 22 mins 4753 Metropolitan Jonah
Notes On The Jesus Prayer 3 mins 6060 Fr. Artemy Vladimirov
The Truth of Orthodoxy 18 mins 4257 Nicholas A. Berdyaev
Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev 5 mins 7002
Spiritual Beauty of Icons 4 mins 5020 Fr. Joseph Frawley
Words and Music in Orthodox Liturgical Worship 18 mins 6455 Prof. David Drillock
Holy Thursday – Twelve Gospels 17 mins 24356 Fr. Paul Lazor
The Paschal Service 8 mins 15233 Fr. Paul Lazor
The Feast of Palms 7 mins 11567 Fr. Paul Lazor
Icon of the Resurrection of Christ 2 mins 7166
Icon of the Second Coming 1 min 6210
Icon of the Dormition 6 mins 8884 Fr. Thomas Hopko