The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit

By: Timothy Ware ( Bishop Kallistos of Diokleia)Read time: 2 mins4231 Hits

The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit

by Bishop Kallistos of Diokleia


The gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost “called all men into unity,” according to the Byzantine liturgical hymn of the day; into this new unity, which St. Paul called the “body of Christ,” each individual Christian enters through Baptism and “chrismation” (the Eastern form of the Western “confirmation”) when the priest anoints him saying “the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

This gift, however, requires man’s free response. Orthodox saints such as Seraphim of Sarov (died 1833) described the entire content of Christian life as a “collection of the Holy Spirit.” The Holy Spirit is thus conceived as the main agent of man’s restoration to his original natural state through Communion in Christ’s body. This role of the Spirit is reflected, very richly, in a variety of liturgical and sacramental acts. Every act of worship usually starts with a prayer addressed to the Spirit, and all major sacraments begin with an invocation to the Spirit. The eucharistic liturgies of the East attribute the ultimate mystery of Christ’s Presence to a descent of the Spirit upon the worshipping congregation and upon the eucharistic bread and wine. The significance of this invocation (in Greek epiklesis) was violently debated between Greek and Latin Christians in the Middle Ages because the Roman canon of the mass lacked any reference to the Spirit and was thus considered as deficient by the Orthodox Greeks.

Since the Council of Constantinople (381), which condemned the Pneumatomachians (“fighters against the Spirit”), no one in the Orthodox East has ever denied that the Spirit is not only a “gift” but also the giver—i.e., that he is the third Person of the holy Trinity. The Greek Fathers saw in Gen. 1:2 a reference to the Spirit’s cooperation in the divine act of creation; the Spirit was also viewed as active in the “new creation” that occurred in the womb of the Virgin Mary when she became the mother of Christ (Luke 1:35); and finally, Pentecost was understood to be an anticipation of the “last days(Acts 2:17) when, at the end of history, a universal communion with God will be achieved. Thus, all the decisive acts of God are accomplished “by the Father in the Son, through the Holy Spirit.”

From the book The Orthodox Church by Timothy Ware (Now  Bishop Kallistos of Diokleia)