Brief Catechism (Page 9 of 22)

By: Fr. Basil J. RepellaRead time: 66 mins12737 Hits


Q. 105. How does the seventh Article of the Creed read?
A. And He shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead; of Whose Kingdom shall have no end.
Q. 106. Of what is it spoken in the seventh Article of the Creed?
A. In the seventh Article of the Creed it is spoken that Jesus Christ will come again from heaven in glory to fudge all the people the living and those risen from the dead.
Q. 107. Of what kind will the second coming of the Lord be?
A. The second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ will be quite different from the first: the first time He came in humility, whilst the second time He will appear in glory and all the Angels with Him.
Q. 108. When will the second coming the Lord take place?
A. When the second coming of the Lord will take place it is not known, and therefore we ought to lead such a life as to be ever ready to meet the Lord.
Q. 109. Has not the Lord revealed to us some signs of His second coming?
A. The Lord has revealed to us some signs of His second coming. The signs are as: the preaching of the Gospel to all nations and the conversion of many of the Jews to Christ, the decrease or faith and love among men the increase of iniquities and calamities and the coming of the antichrist.
Q. 110. Who is the antichrist?
A. Antichrist is an adversary of the Lord Jesus Christ who, at the instigation of the devil and by his power, will strive by all means to overthrow Christianity, who will claim for himself the worship which is due to God, who will perform false signs and miracles and at last shall himself be smitten by the Lord.
Q. 111. Whom and for what shall the Lord judge?
A. The Lord shall judge all men without exception and not only for their bad deeds, but for evil words and thoughts, unless we efface them by repentance and amendments of our life.
Q. 112. What Kingdom is spoken of in the seventh article of the Creed?
A. In the seventh Article of the Creed it is spoken of the Lord’s Kingdom with the righteous.
Q. 113. What does the seventh Article of the Creed teach?
A. The seventh Article of the Creed teaches us:
  1. that our Lord Jesus Christ shall again come on earth;
  2. that He shall judge all, both the living and dead;
  3. that after this awful judgment shall ensue His everlasting Kingdom.
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