Brief Catechism (Page 8 of 22)

By: Fr. Basil J. RepellaRead time: 66 mins12737 Hits


Q. 101. How does the sixth article of the Creed read?
A. And ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father.
Q. 102. Of what is it spoken in the sixth Article of the Creed?
A. In the sixth Article of the Creed it is spoken of the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven.
Q. 103. Was it in His Godhead or in His manhood that Jesus Christ ascended into heaven?
A. Jesus Christ ascended into heaven in His manhood. In His godhead He forever was and is in heaven, as in all the world.
Q. 104. What do the words: “sitteth on the right hand of the Father” mean?
A. The words: “sitteth on the right hand of the Father” signify that our Lord Jesus Christ has one and the same power, honor and glory with God the Father,
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