Brief Catechism (Page 13 of 22)

By: Fr. Basil J. RepellaRead time: 66 mins12737 Hits


Q. 156. How does the eleventh Article of the Creed read?
A. I look for the resurrection of the dead.
Q. 157. Of what is it spoken in the eleventh Article of the Creed?
A. In the eleventh Article of the Creed it is spoken of this; that all the dead will rise again at the end of the world and become immortal.
Q. 158. What shall become of the people living at the Second coming of the Lord?
A. The bodies of the people living at the Second Coming of the Lord shall be changed and they, also, shall be immortal.
Q. 159. What is to be remarked of such souls, as have departed with faith, but without having had time to bring forth fruits worthy of repentance?
A. Such souls as have departed (died) with faith, but without having had time to bring forth fruits of repentance, may be aided towards attainment of a blessed resurrection by prayers offered in their behalf, especially such as are offered in union with the oblation of the Bloodless Sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Christ (Divine Liturgy), and by works of mercy done in faith for their memory. St. Basil the Great in his prayers for Pentecost (Green Sunday), says, that the Lord vouchsaves to receive from us propitiatory prayers and sacrifices for those that are kept in Hades, and allows us the hope of obtaining for them peace, relief, and freedom.
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