Brief Catechism (Page 12 of 22)

By: Fr. Basil J. RepellaRead time: 66 mins12737 Hits


Q. 138. How does the tenth Article of the Creed read?
A. I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins.
Q. 139. Of what is it spoken in the tenth Article of the Creed?
A. In the tenth Article of the Creed it is spoken of the Sacrament of Baptism, under which are implied the other Sacraments also.
Q. 140. What is a Sacrament?
A. A Sacrament is a holy act, through which the Grace of the Holy Spirit is given. (In other words: A visible sign of invisible Divine Grace.)
Q. 141. How many Sacraments are there?
A. There are seven Sacraments: 1., Baptism; 2., Unction with Chrism (Confirmation); 3., Communion; 4., Penance; 5., Holy Orders (The Priesthood); 6., Matrimony; 7., Unction with oil (last rites).
Q. 142. In what does the Baptism consist?
A. The Baptism consists in this, that he who believes is trice immersed in water in the name of Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit and he is born into spiritual life.
Q. 143. – Why cannot Baptism be repeated?
A. Baptism is spiritual birth: a man is born but once; therefore he is also baptized but once.
Q. 144. In what does the Unction with Chrism (Confirmation) consist?
A. The Unction with Chrism consists in this, that the baptized one is anointed with holy Chrism (miro) (consecrated by the Bishop) with the Priest’s words: “The Seal of the Gift of the Holy Spirit.”
Q. 145. In what does the Sacrament of Communion consist?
A. The Sacrament of Communion consists in this, that, in the form of bread and wine, we partake of the very Body and Blood of Christ.
Q. 146. When did Jesus institute the Sacrament of Communion?
A. Jesus did institute the Sacrament of Communion on the Last Supper. He “took bread, and blessed it, and broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said: Take, eat; this is my Body, and He took the chalice and gave thanks and gave it to the disciples, saying, Drink ye all of it; for this is my blood.” (Matt. 26; 26-27.)
Q. 147. How do the Orthodox Christians receive Holy Communion?
A. The Orthodox Christians receive the Holy Communion in the form of bread and wine, — the Very Body and Blood of Christ.
Q. 148. How do the Roman Catholics receive Communion?
A. To the lay Roman Catholics are given unleavened bread disks (wafers) despite the will of the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself.
Q. 149. In what does Penitence consist?
A. Penitence consists in this, that the sinner contritely confesses his sins before a priest and God forgives him.
Q. 150. In what does the Sacrament of Holy Order consist?
A. The Sacrament of holy Orders consists in this, that by the laying on the hands of the Bishops, there is given unto the ordained the grace to minister the Sacraments, and feed the flock of Christ.
Q. 151. How many degrees of Priesthood are there?
A. There are three degrees of Priesthood: The Bishop, The Priest and the Deacon.
Q. 152. What is the difference among them?
A. The difference among them is this: The Deacon serves at the Sacraments; the Priest performs the Sacraments, excepting Ordination; and the Bishop performs all the Sacraments.
Q. 153. In what does Matrimony consist?
A. The Sacrament of Matrimony consists in this, that the union of man and woman is blessed in the image of the union of Christ with His Church.
Q. 154. In what does Unction with Oil consist?
A. The Unction with Oil consists in this, that the sick are anointed with blessed oil and receive the grace of becoming healed from God.
Q. 155. By whom were the sacraments instituted?
A. The Sacraments were instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
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