Terminology - Glossary S

Term Definition

SEVENTY APOSTLES – The Seventy Apostles are those whom the Lord chose (described in Luke 10:1-16) in addition to the Twelve and sent forth to assist in the work of preaching. Over time, the Twelve added others to their number, who were sent out with the original Seventy to preach the gospel. Although this number… Read More


SEXTON – A layman whose duty is to keep the church building clean, ring the bells and other duties under the direction of the rector.


SHEKINAH – The glory of God, frequently revealed in the symbols of fire and cloud in the Old Testament. Although Christians experience the energies of God, including His glory, they never penetrate beyond the cloud to the inner essence of God, which remains hidden. (Ex. 13:21; 24:15 18; 33:18-23; 40:34, 35; 2 Chr. 7:1; Matt…. Read More


SHEPHERD – (an appellation or Title of Jesus)  “And Jesus saith unto them, All ye shall be offended because of me this night: for it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered.” Mark 14:27 “For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and… Read More


SHILOH – (an appellation or Title of Jesus)  “The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.” Gen 49:10


SIGN OF THE CROSS – An expression of faith in Christ and an invocation of His blessing made by a cruciform gesture with the hand on one’s body. It is made by touching the forehead, breast, right and left shoulders with the tips of the two fingers and the thumb of the right hand held… Read More


SIN – (Gr. hamartia) Literally, “missing the mark.”  This word in ancient Greek could describe the action of an archer who failed to hit the target. All humans are sinners who miss the mark of perfection that God has set for His people, resulting in alienation from God, sinful actions that violate the law of… Read More


SIX PSALMS – (Hexapsalmos) The suite of six psalms read at the start of Matins: Psalms 3, 37 (38), 62 (63), 87 (88), 102 (103), and 142 (143).  Matins begins with the reading of the “Six Psalms,” i.e. Psalms 3, 37, 62, 87, 102, and 142, read in that order, and combined into a single… Read More


SLAVA – The slava, also called krsna slava and krsno ime ( literally ‘christened name’ in Serbian), is the Orthodox Christian tradition of the ritual celebration, veneration and observance of a family’s own patron saint. The family celebrates the slava annually on the patron saint’s feast day. The slava is primarily associated with the Serbs;… Read More


SLUZHEBNIK – (Sl.) A liturgical book which contains the prayers, the order and ceremonies of the divine services of Vespers, Matins and Liturgy for the guidance of priests and deacons.


SMALL VESPERS – (Little Vespers) Small Vespers is appointed to be served only on days when there is to be an All-Night Vigil. Small Vespers is identical in form to Daily Vespers, but omits the Litany of Peace, the kathisma and the Small Litany that follows it, the Litany of Fervent Supplication, and the Prayer… Read More


SOJOURNER – A stranger or foreigner. Because the Church exists in a sinful world that has rejected God, Christians citizens of the Kingdom of God are strangers in a foreign land. Therefore, faithful sojourners are on guard, lest they adopt the ways of the fallen society in which they live. (1 Pet. 2:11; 1 John… Read More


SOLEA – The raised floor in front of the Iconostas. The center part, directly in front of the Royal Doors is called the Amvon, or Ambo.


SOLOMON (Wisdom of Solomon) – One of the books known as the Doctrinal books of the Old Testament. This book is probably the last book of the Old Testament and was written around 100 B.C. by an Alexandrian Jew, although he probably used earlier materials even those possibly written by King Solomon. Here the concept… Read More


SON OF GOD – (an appellation or Title of Jesus) (see: Ps 2:7; Ps 89:26-27; Matt 3:17; Matt 4:3; Matt 4:6; Matt 10:40; Matt 11:27; Matt 14:33; Matt 15:13; Matt 16:15-17; Matt 17:5; Matt 18:10; Matt 18:19; Matt 20:23; Matt 21:37; Matt 26:53; Matt 26:63-64; Matt 27:43; Matt 27:54; Mark 1:1; Mark 1:11; Mark 3:11;… Read More


SON OF MAN – (an appellation or Title of Jesus) An important messianic title of Christ, who is perfect God and perfect Man. The Gospels reveal that Jesus often applied this title to Himself. In Christ, the Second Adam, God assumed and perfected sinful humanity, freeing those who follow Him from the consequences of the… Read More


SON OF THE BLESSED ONE –  (an appellation or Title of Jesus) “But he held his peace, and answered nothing. Again the high priest asked him, and said unto him, Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?” Mark 14:61


SON OF THE FATHER – (an appellation or Title of Jesus)  “Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.” II Jn 1:3


SORROW – Sadness and grief caused by the realization of one’s sins. The Scriptures distinguish between godly sorrow, which produces repentance, and ungodly sorrow, the sadness of being found out, which produces death (Matt. 5:4; 2 Cor. 7:9, 10). Christ has conquered suffering and death, the cause of sadness, and turns true sorrow to joy… Read More


SOTERIOLOGY – Theological field studying the mission and work of Christ as Redeemer (Soter).


SOUL – A living substance, simple, bodiless, and invisible by nature, activating the body to which it brings life, growth, sensation and reproduction. The mind is not distinct from the soul but serves as a window to the soul. The soul is free, endowed with will, and the power to act. Along with the body,… Read More


SPIRIT (Gr. pneuma) Literally, “breath”; that which is living but immaterial. Spirit is used in three ways in Scripture. (1) The Holy Spirit is one of the three Persons of the Trinity (John 4:24; 20:22). (2) The angels are called spirits (Ps. 104:4). (3) The human spirit possesses the intuitive ability to know and experience… Read More


SPIRITUAL GIFTS – When the young Church was getting under way, God poured out His Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and their followers, giving them spiritual gifts to build up the Church and to serve each other. Among the specific gifts of the Spirit mentioned in the New Testament are: apostleship, prophecy, evangelism, pasturing, teaching,… Read More


SPIRITUALITY – The ascetic and pious struggle against sin through repentance, prayer, fasting, and participation in the sacramental life of the Church. (Gal. 5:16 26; Phil. 2:12, 13.)  The term spirituality has unfortunately become quite vague in our time, but if we take it to mean “the daily life of the Orthodox Christian,” we can… Read More