Terminology - Glossary P

Term Definition

POPEVKA – (pl. Popevki)? Consistent melodic turns or formulae in early Russian church singing, which serve as the building blocks for melodies of znamenny and other chants. POPEVKA are classified according to Tones; each Tone is distinguished by POPEVKA that occur in it more frequently than in other Tones; some Tones have more p. than… Read More


POST-FEAST – (Afterfeast) – A period of one to seven days (in case of the Pasch — 40 days) following a greatfeast, which in some respects constitutes a continuation of the feast. During the Post-feast certain festal hymns continue to be sung.   See Afterfeast for dates. 


POTENTATE – (an appellation or Title of Jesus)  ” Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords;” 1 Tim 6:15 (also: Sovereign)


POWER – (1) A divine attribute or energy (Matt. 6:13; Luke 1:35; Rom. 1:16). (2) The authority and ability to act (Matt. 9:6). (3) A category of angelic beings (Eph. 1:21).


POWER OF GOD – (an appellation or Title of Jesus)  “But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.” 1 Cor 1:24


PRAISE – (Doxology) To glorify and give thanks to God or to speak highly of someone or something (Judg. 5:3; Ps. 9:1-14; Rom. 15:11). The most perfect and selfless type of prayer. The more pure and blameless a person is, the more the perfection of God is reflected in him, and through this he involuntarily… Read More


PRAYER – Communion with God through words of praise, thanksgiving, repentance, supplication, and intercession. Prayer is “raising up the heart and mind to God” (St. John of Damascus). Usually prayer is verbal. However, prayer of the heart or in the Spirit, the highest form of prayer, is without words. (Matt. 6:5-13; 21:22; Rom. 8:26; Phil…. Read More


Prayer Service – (Moleben) A service offered in response to a individual need or special occasion, e. g., illness, thanksgiving, the beginning of some task. The structure of the Prayer Service. resembles Matins: essentially, it consists of the Trisagion, troparia, a Gospel reading, special prayers and litanies, and a kanon (usually in abridged form). Sometimes… Read More


PRAYER TO THE SAINTS – is encouraged by the Orthodox Church. Why? Because physical death is not a defeat for a Christian. It is a glorious passage into heaven. The Christian does not cease to be a part of the Church at death. God forbid! Nor is he set aside, idle until the Day of… Read More


PRE-FEAST – (forefeast) A period of one or several days prior to a great feast, which serves as a preparation for the celebration; during the pre-feast special hymns and prayers are prescribed. See forefeast for dates.


PRECIOUS CORNERSTONE – (an appellation or Title of Jesus)  “Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.” Isa 28:16


PRELEST – (plane) Spiritual deception, when a person strives for a high spiritual state or spiritual visions without having been purified of passions and relying on his own judgment. To such a one the devil grants great “visions.”   Another more common, less spectacular form of spiritual deception, which offers to its victims not great visions… Read More


PREMARITAL SEX – The Orthodox Christian Faith firmly holds to the biblical teaching that sexual intercourse is reserved for marriage. Sex is a gift of God to be fully enjoyed and experienced only within mar­riage. The marriage bed is to be kept “undefiled” (He­brews 13:4), and men and women are called to remain celibate outside… Read More


PRESANCTIFIED, LITURGY OF – A Liturgy at which there is no consecration, the Bread being consecrated at a previous Liturgy is used for Communion. The Liturgy of the Presanctified is used on Wednesdays and Fridays during Great Lent. It begins with a Vesper service; there is no Epistle or Gospel unless it is a feast… Read More


PRESBYTER – 1) Literally, “elder”; now generally called “priest.” Presbyter is one of the three orders of the ordained ministry of the Church: bishop, presbyter, and deacon (Acts 14:23; 15:4 23; 1 Tim. 5:17-19; Titus 1:5). See also BISHOP. 2) A priest, as distinguished from a bishop in the early Church. The Apostles used this… Read More


PRESTOL – (Sl. throne) The Altar table in the Sanctuary representing the throne of God.


PRESVYTERA – (Gr.; Sl. Matushka). A honorary title for the priest’s wife or mother.


PRIEST – 1) (presbyter) One who has been properly (canonically) ordained to administer the Holy Sacraments and to preach the Word of God. A candidate for priesthood must meet the requirements of education and moral character. 2)  (an appellation or Title of Jesus)  “For he testifieth, Thou art a priest for ever after the order… Read More


PRIEST’S SERVICE BOOK – (Gr. Hieratikon, Sl. Sluzhebnik) The Priest’s Service Book is used by priests and deacons. It contains the order of Vespers, Matins and the Liturgy, emphasizing the parts said by those serving. At the end of the book are found the dismissals, prokeimena, megalynaria and a menologion (a list of saints commemorated… Read More


PRIMATE – The title of the ruling archbishop. He exercises jurisdiction over the bishops of a district or country.  Usually, primate refers to the first hierarch of an autocephalous or autonomous Orthodox Church. Less often, it is used to refer to the ruling bishop of an archdiocese or diocese. The primate of an autocephalous church… Read More


PRINCE – (an appellation or Title of Jesus)  “Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins” Acts 5:31 “And killed the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses.” Acts 3:15 “For… Read More


PRINCIPALITY – A category of angelic beings. The principalities are named thus because they have command over the lower angels, directing them to the fulfilment of divine orders. The management of the universe and the keeping of all the kingdoms and princedoms, of lands and all peoples, races and nations, is also entrusted to them… Read More


PRO-CATHEDRAL – A church used temporarily by a bishop as a cathedral.


PROCEED – To come forth from or come to. The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father, the fountainhead of the Holy Trinity (John 15:26).