Terminology - Glossary C

Term Definition

CONVERSION – The beginning of salvation, occurring when a person repents, believes the gospel, and enters into a personal relationship with Christ. Conversion is not merely a change of belief but the beginning of a new life in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17), which is a process of growth into the image and likeness of God…. Read More


CONVERT – Any person who has reached the age of reason, not baptized or baptized outside of the Orthodox Church, renounces his errors and accepts the teachings of the Orthodox Church, is received as a member by Baptism, or by Chrismation, or Confession and Communion, as the case may require.


I CORINTHIANS (First Epistle of Apostle Paul to the Corinthians) – The Gospel was first preached in Corinth by Paul on his second missionary journey (50 A.D.). While living and working there, he preached in the synagogue until opposition arose. He was accused by the Jews before the Roman Governor, Gallic, but the charges were… Read More


II CORINTHIANS – (Second Epistle of Apostle Paul to the Corinthians) – Relations between Paul and the Corinthian Church had deteriorated, and having made a painful visit to the Church (2:1), he refrained from making a second trip, knowing that it too would be painful, for which cause he had written to that Church a… Read More


CORPORAL – (Sl. Antimins) The cloth on the Altar on which the Holy Eucharist is consecrated.


CORRUPTION – The state of mortality and sinfulness, the universal condition of fallen humanity. All are born into a world suffering the consequences of the Fall, the sin of Adam and Eve. These consequences include physical suffering, death, lack of perfection and a tendency to sin.( Ps. 52[53]:3; Is. 53:6; Rom. 3:23; 1 John 5:19.)


COSMOS – The universe, or “world,” created by God from nothing. It is controlled by God; He is the life of the world. Sin has corrupted the entire cosmos, and the rule of evil will not be abolished until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The universe will finally be redeemed by Christ when He… Read More


COUNCIL – A group of Christians gathered to deliberate and ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to administer the Church and decide on various doctrinal, moral, and liturgical questions. The Orthodox Church is conciliar (operating by councils) on all levels, from a parish to a worldwide council. While councils are not seen as… Read More


COUNCIL, ECUMENICAL – (Sl. Sobor, Vselensky) Assembly of representatives of the Church legally convoked for the settlement of ecclesiastical or doctrinal disputes, and to legislate regarding matters of doctrine, discipline and worship. An assembly of the Pastors and Doctors of the Catholic Church of Christ, as far as possible, from the whole world, for the… Read More


COUNSELLOR – (an appellation or Title of Jesus) “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his  name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Isa 9:6


COURT CHANT –  Compendium of liturgical melodies, taken, for the most part, from abbreviated Kievan, Greek, and Bulgarian chants, which became standard in the usage of the Imperial Court Chapel in St. Petersburg during the late 18th-early 19th centuries. Eventually, it was systematized and published, first in two voices by D. Bortniansky in 1815, then… Read More


COVENANT – An agreement or testament between men or between God and His people. In the Old Testament, God chose the people of Israel, ending with John the Baptist, to prepare the way for the coming of His Only Begotten Son. Through Christ, the covenant was perfected, and the promises of God to Abraham and… Read More


COVENANT OF THE PEOPLE – (an appellation or Title of Jesus) “I the LORD have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles;” (Isa 42:6)


CREATION – (Gr. ktisis) Everything made by God. The term creation is applied to the cosmos in general and to mankind in particular. Our regeneration in Christ and the resurrection of the dead are both often called the “new creation.” Creation has no existence apart from God, but is nevertheless distinct from God. (That which is not created, such as divine grace, the divine energies, belongs to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.)


CREED – A statement of belief. Creeds in their earlier forms were used by the apostles, and many are recorded in the New Testament (Eph. 5:14; 1 Tim. 3:16; 2 Tim. 2:11-13). The creed used throughout the Church was adopted at the Council of Nicea in A.D. 325 and expanded at the Council of Constantinople in A.D. 381. The Nicene Creed is used at baptisms, the Divine Liturgy, and in personal daily prayers.


CROSIER – (Crozier, Gr. Ravdos or Pateritsa). The pastoral staff of a bishop, signifying his responsibilities and the authority by which he spiritually rules his flock.


CROSS, ORTHODOX – The Orthodox cross (in the Russian Church) has three bars. The top bar represents the inscription nailed above the head of Jesus (INRI –“Jesus, the King of the Jews”). The long bar on which the hands of Christ were nailed, the short slanting lower bar represents the footrest which points upward to… Read More


CROSS, PECTORAL – A cross suspended round the neck by a chain and worn outside the vestments by the priest and bishop.


CROSS, SIGN OF THE -The external representation of the Cross of Christ: the mark of Christians since the earliest days of Christian history. The Orthodox Church uses the sign of the Cross for all blessings. To make the sign of the cross upon one’s person, the thumb and the first two fingers of the right… Read More


CROWN, MARRIAGE – A metal crown or wreath which is placed upon the heads of the bride and groom during the ceremony of marriage. The crowns symbolically represent the power that is given to the newlyweds to be masters “king and queen” of their own home.


CRUCIFIXION – A form of execution of criminals used by the ancient Romans in which the offender is nailed through his wrists and ankles to a cross. A crucified person usually died from suffocation after becoming too exhausted to pull himself up in order to breathe. Besides Christ Himself (Matt. 27:35-50), the Apostles Peter, Andrew,… Read More


CRUETS – Vessels with a long neck and handle in which the wine and water are kept on the Table of Oblation for use in preparing the elements of the Holy Eucharist.


CRYPT – A crypt is an architectural feature found in churches of Europe, particularly in western Europe, that may be used as a chapel or a burial place. The crypt is located in the lower part of the church usually under the main floor, generally underground.


CULTS – The word “cult” has several meanings. The usage to which we refer designates a group of people who focus on a religious doctrine which deviates from the Tradition of the historic Church as revealed by Jesus Christ, established by His Apostles, and guarded by the seven Ecumenical Councils of the Church. A cult… Read More