
Terminology -

Term Definition

SYNOPTIC (from Gr. syn: same, together; optic: eye, vision) The books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, which hold essentially the same viewpoint and “look alike,” are called the synoptic Gospels.


TEMPTATION – The seductive attraction of sin. Christ was tempted by Satan and has overcome the power of temptation. Those united to Christ are given His power also to withstand the temptation of sin through patience, courage, and obedience. (Matt. 4:1-11; 1 Cor. 10:13; Heb. 2:17, 18; James 1:12.)


THANKSGIVING – To be grateful, to offer thanks, especially to God for His love and mercy. The Eucharistic prayer is called the thanksgiving (1 Thess. 5:18). Thanksgiving prayer is sent up to God for all the good things received from Him. It arises naturally in a grateful and sensitive soul. God is merciful to all… Read More


THEOPHANY – A manifestation of God in His uncreated glory. It refers also to Christ’s resurrection appearances. The revelation of the Holy Trinity at the Baptism of Christ (Luke 3:21, 22) is the greatest theophany; it is celebrated in the Orthodox Church on Epiphany (Jan. 6). Other theophanies are found throughout the Bible. For example,… Read More


THEOTOKOS – God-bearer, birth-giver, frequently translated “Mother of God.”? Because Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God, Mary is called the Mother of God to profess our faith that in the Incarnation, God was in her womb. Elizabeth called Mary “blessed” and “the mother of my Lord” (Luke 1:42, 43). At the Council of… Read More


TRADITION, HOLY – That which is handed down, transmitted. Tradition is the life of the Church in the Holy Spirit, for the Holy Spirit leads the Church “into all truth” (John 16:13) and enables her to preserve the truth taught by Christ to His Apostles. The Holy Scriptures are the core of Holy Tradition, as… Read More


TRANSFIGURATION – (1) A change or transformation. Christ was transfigured on Mt. Tabor, showing He is God in the flesh (Matt. 17:1-8). Christians are called to be transformed by the Holy Spirit into the image and likeness of God (Rom. 12:1, 2). See also DEIFICATION. (2) (Gr. Metamorphosis). The transfiguration of Christ is a major… Read More


TRIBULATION (THE) – The Scriptures reveal that much trouble and violence?Great Tribulation?will engulf the world before the Second Coming of Christ (Matt. 24:4-29). See also ESCHATOLOGY, RAPTURE, and SECOND COMING.


TRISAGION – (1) Literally, “Thrice Holy.” The biblical Trisagion, “Holy, Holy, Holy,” is the hymn of the angels before the throne of God (Is. 6:1-3; Rev. 4:8), and is one of the most important hymns of the Divine Liturgy. In the Tradition of the Church, this hymn has been amplified into the Trisagion frequently sung… Read More


TYPE – A historical event that has a deeper meaning, pointing to our salvation in Christ. For example, the three days that Jonah spent in the belly of the fish is a type of the three days that Christ would spend in the tomb (Matt. 12:40). The serpent that Moses lifted up on the staff… Read More


TRINITY – God the Father and His Son and His Holy Spirit: one in essence and undivided. God revealed the mystery of the Trinity at Christ’s baptism (Matt. 3:13 17), but even before that event, numerous Old Testament references pointed to the Trinity. For example, the frequent use of plural pronouns referring to the one… Read More


UNCTION – Anointing of the sick with blessed oil, for the healing of body and soul. The gift of healing is bestowed by the Holy Spirit through the anointing, together with the prayers of the Unction service. (James 5:14, 15; 1 John 2:20.) The seventh Sacrament of Unction with Oil is a special ceremony of… Read More


UNLEAVENED BREAD – Bread baked without yeast. The Jews used unleavened bread for the Passover to symbolize the fact that they had no time to wait for the yeast to rise in the bread (Ex. 12:1-20). By contrast, the bread of the New Covenant is leavened. See also LEAVENED.


VESPERS – The evening prayer service in the Orthodox Church. (Gr. Esperinos) An important service of the Orthodox Church which is mainly a Thanksgiving prayer for the closing day and a welcome of the new one to come the following morning. On the eve of an important holiday, the Vesper Service includes Artoclasia or the… Read More


VICE – A particular immoral, depraved, or degrading habit, as contrasted with virtue. Christians are called to flee from the vices and preserve their purity (Rom. 13:13; Eph. 4:17-24). See also VIRTUE.


VIRTUE – A righteous characteristic such as self-control, patience, or humility; the opposite of vice or passion. As a person grows spiritually, he or she grows in virtue while the passions are conquered by the grace of God. (Phil. 4:8; 2 Pet. 1:2-7.) See also PASSION, VIRTUES


WISDOM (OF GOD) -1) A name for God’s Son and Word; Christ is the Wisdom of God.  (an appellation or Title of Jesus) “I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions.” Prov 8:12 “But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom… Read More


WITNESS – (Gr. martyria) 1) One who testifies by word and deed. In the New Testament, the word is also rendered “martyr,” a reference to those who give their lives for the gospel of Christ. Also, the Holy Spirit bears witness to the spirits of those who believe in Christ, that they belong to Him…. Read More


WORD OF GOD (Gr. Logos) (an appellation or Title of Jesus) The Son of God, who from the mystery of His eternal birth is called the Word of the Father. The “Word became flesh” (John 1:14) for the salvation of the world. The Holy Scriptures are also called the Word of God, for they reveal… Read More


WORSHIP – Literally, “to bow down.”  In the Christian sense worship is the adoration of God through participation in the services of the Church, the highest act of a Christian (John 4:19-24). Worship in the Orthodox Church is understood to be the highest calling of mankind, to fall down at the feet of the Almighty… Read More


WORTHY – (Gr. axios) Describes those who act in a manner befitting one who is a follower of Christ. No one is worthy of salvation in and of himself, but all are made worthy through Christ (1 Thess. 2:10-12).


ZONE – The belt or girdle, of the same material as the vestments, worn by the priests, on his stichar. It signifies the power of faith. It fastens the sticharion and the epitrachelion on his body in order to facilitate his movements and attest his readiness for service, as a man girds himself when he… Read More


ZEON – (Gr. boiling). The hot water used by the priest for the Eucharist. It is added to the chalice during the Communion hymn in commemoration of the water that flowed out of the side of the crucified Christ when he was pierced with the spear.


VIGIL – (Gr. olonychtia). Spiritual exercises during the night preceding the feast day of a saint or another major feast, observed by various spiritual preparations, prayers and services.