Term | Definition |
TRANSUBSTANTIANTION | TRANSUBSTANTIANTION – In the exposition of the faith by the Eastern Patriarchs, it is said that the word transubstantiation is not to be taken to define the manner in which the bread and wine are changed into the Body and Blood of the Lord; for this none can understand but God; but only thus much… Read More |
ISAIAH | ISAIAH – One of the books known as the prophetical books of the Old Testament. The Prophet Isaiah proclaimed his message to Judah and Jerusalem between 742 and 687 B.C., when the Northern Kingdom was conquered by Assyria and Judah lived uneasily in its shadow. Isaiah attacks social injustice which shows Israel’s weak adherence to God’s… Read More |
JEREMIAH | JEREMIAH – One of the books known as the prophetical books of the Old Testament. This book contains the words of Jeremiah the Prophet which he dictated to his aide, Baruch. His ministry began in 627 B.C. and ended some time after 580, probably in Egypt. The Prophet is much concerned with rewards and punishments,… Read More |
EZEKIEL | EZEKIEL – One of the books known as the prophetical books of the Old Testament. This book is the work of Ezekiel the Priest, whose ministry extended from 593 to 563 B.C., when he was in Babylon with the Exiles. As Prophet to the Exiles, he assured his listeners of the abiding presence of God… Read More |
DANIEL | DANIEL – One of the books known as the prophetical books of the Old Testament. The Prophet Daniel lived in Babylon in the time of King Nebuchadnezzar. The book itself consists of six stories (Ch. 1-6), which illustrate how faithful Jews, loyally practicing their religion, were enabled, by God’s help, to triumph over their enemies… Read More |
LXX | LXX (SEPTUAGINT) – The LXX was recognized as the authoritative Greek translation of the Jewish Scriptures and was read in the synagogues and churches of the Hellenistic world. Most Old Testament quotations in the New Testament are based on the LXX, not the Hebrew. Of particular interest is Paul’s use of the LXX since, as… Read More |
HOSEA | HOSEA – One of the books known as the prophetical books of the Old Testament. This book is part of the Book of the Twelve, also known as The Minor Prophets. Hosea preached in the time of the Northern Kingdom (750-722 B.C.). He can be characterized as the Prophet of Divine Love, since he preaches… Read More |
JOEL | JOEL – One of the books known as the prophetical books of the Old Testament. This book was written by a Prophet, Joel, the son of Pethuel, who lived in Judah during the Persian period, probably from 400-350 B.C. He views a locust plague which ravished the country as God’s punishment on His people and… Read More |
AMOS | AMOS – One of the books known as the prophetical books of the Old Testament. The Prophet Amos preached in the period from about 760-750 B.C. A shepherd from the Judean village of Tekoa, he was called by God to preach at the Northern shrine of Bethel. He denounced Israel, as well as her neighbors,… Read More |
OBADIAH | OBADIAH (Abdias) – One of the books known as the prophetical books of the Old Testament. The prophecy of Obadiah, who prophesied sometime after the Fall of Jerusalem, consists of an oracle against Edom, one of Israel’s neighbors. This book is the shortest book of the Old Testament and consists of three parts: 1) an… Read More |
JONAH | JONAH – One of the books known as the prophetical books of the Old Testament. The prophecy of Jonah and his three days in the belly of a great fish comprise one of the most-remembered of the books of the Prophets indeed, our Lord uses this image concerning his own three days and nights in… Read More |
MICAH | MICAH – One of the books known as the prophetical books of the Old Testament.The Prophet Micah preached in Judah at the same time as the Prophet Isaiah (742-687 B.C.). Like the Prophet Amos, he spoke out against the oppression of the poor by the rich as a crime crying out to Heaven for vengeance…. Read More |
NAHUM | NAHUM – One of the books known as the prophetical books of the Old Testament.The Prophet Nahum prophesied between 626-612 B.C. and concerns himself with an oracle against Nineveh and the destruction of Assyria. It is a triumphant song asserting boldly that the Lord is the avenger of cruelty and immorality. |
HABAKKUK | HABAKKUK (Avakkum, Abbacum) – One of the books known as the prophetical books of the Old Testament. This Prophet, who lived at the time of the height of Babylonian power, wrote probably between 608-598 B.C. He confronts the disturbing problem of why a just God is silent when the wicked swallows up the man more… Read More |
ZEPHANIAH | ZEPHANIAH (Sophonias) – One of the books known as the prophetical books of the Old Testament. The Prophet Zephaniah’s ministry dates to the reign of King Josiah (640-609 B.C.), and this prophecy can be divided into three sections: 1) (Ch. 1) proclamation of doom on Judah in the form of the destructive Day of the… Read More |
HAGGAI | HAGGAI (Aggaeus) – One of the books known as the prophetical books of the Old Testament.The Prophet Haggai preached in Jerusalem from the 6th to 9th months of 520 B.C. In five addresses, he exhorted Zerubbabel the Governor and Joshua the High Priest to assume official leadership in the rebuilding of the Temple and urged… Read More |
ZECHARIAH | ZECHARIAH – One of the books known as the prophetical books of the Old Testament.The prophecies of Zechariah (found in Chapters 1-8) date from 520-518 B.C. and share with Haggai the zeal for a rebuilt Temple, a purified community, and the coming of the Messianic Age. The second part (Chapters 9-14) were probably written later… Read More |
MALACHI | MALACHI – One of the books known as the prophetical books of the Old Testament. The Prophet Malachi (meaning My Messenger) lived in the period from 500 to 450 B.C. One central theme dominates this Prophet’s thought: faithfulness to the Lord’s Covenant and its teachings. The book is divided into two parts: 1) (Ch. 1-2:16)… Read More |
AGNOSTICISM | AGNOSTICISM – the philosophical position that the existence or non-existence of God is unknowable. Condemned by the Orthodox Church for being a belief in error for denial of the truth of God and Jesus Christ. |
ATHEISM | ATHEISM – the belief that there is no God. Condemned by the Orthodox Church for being a belief in error for denial of the truth of God and Jesus Christ. |
ECCLESIASTIC | ECCLESIASTIC – relating to a church. Greek ekklesiastikos referred to the ancient Athenian political assembly. First century Christians writers adopted the word to mean “assembly of believers,” or “church.” |
MONOTHEISM | MONOTHEISM – the doctrine or belief that there is only one God. |
PAGAN | PAGAN – For the early Christians, a pagan was a believer in polytheistic religion. The word originally meant “country dweller.” The rural population was slower to adopt Christianity than the city dwellers, probably because their religion was closely bound to agricultural cycles. Nowadays there are religious groups that identify themselves as Pagans. Modern paganism is… Read More |
POLYTHEISM | POLYTHEISM – belief in more than one god. |