Terminology -

Term Definition

MEMORY ETERNAL – (Sl. Vichnaya Pamyat) This hymn is taken from the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ crucifixion. The Lord is crucified with two thieves one mocks Him with the crowd gathered to see Jesus on the cross, but the other repents of his sins and says to Jesus, “Remember me when You come in Your… Read More


VICHNAYA PAMYAT – (Sl. Memory eternal) This hymn is taken from the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ crucifixion. The Lord is crucified with two thieves one mocks Him with the crowd gathered to see Jesus on the cross, but the other repents of his sins and says to Jesus, “Remember me when You come in Your… Read More


ACOLYTE – (taper-bearer, altar boys) The follower of a priest; a person assisting the priest in church ceremonies or services. In the early Church, the acolytes were adults; today, however, his duties are performed by children.  At one time there was a rank of minor clergy called the taper-bearer, responsible for bearing lights during processions… Read More


AGRAPHA – (Gr.: verbal words; not written). Sayings or deeds of Christ which were never written or recorded in the Gospels (cf. John 21:25).


AMNOS – (Gr. Lamb). The symbol for the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross (cf. John 1: 29). In the Orthodax liturgy the amnos is the first square piece from the altar bread (prosphora), inscnbed with the letters ICXC NIKA (an abbreviated form for “]esus Christ conquers”). This particular piece is to be consecrated during… Read More


APOLYTIKION – (Gr. “dismissal“). The dismissal hymn in honor of a saint, Christ, or Virgin Mary on the occasion of their feast day, especially at the end of the Vespers Service. It is often referred to simply as the Troparion of the Day.


APOSTOLIC FATHERS – Men who lived during the first century of Christianity, for the most part the disciples of the Apostles; their teachings and writings are of great spiritual value to Christians. Major fathers are St. Ignatius of Antioch, St. Polycarp of Smyrna, St. Clement of Rome and the unknown author of Didache.


ASCETIC THEOLOGY – A theological field studying the teachings and the writings of the ascetics of the Church (see also mysticism).


MYSTICISM – The search through various prayers and practices to achieve unity with God in life (theosis) (see hesychasm).


HESYCHASM – A spiritual movement in the Byzantine Empire (fourteenth century) developed on Mount Athos, Greece. The term means “to be quiet” and signifies the system of spiritual development through meditation, contemplation and perfection to the degree of absolute union with God (theosis). It is one of the forms of Orthodox Mysticism and is still… Read More


CHANCELLOR – (Gr. Protosyngelos). The chief administrator and church notary in a diocese or archdiocese. He is the immediate administrative assistant to the bishop, and handles all records, certificates, and ecclesiastical documents of his jurisdiction.


CHANTER – (Gr. Psaltis). A lay person who assists the priest by chanting the responses and hymns in the services or sacraments of the church. Today chanters have been replaced to some extent by choirs.


CHRISTOLOGY – A subject or field of dogmatic theology examining the belief of the church and the history of beliefs about Christ.


CROSIER – (Crozier, Gr. Ravdos or Pateritsa). The pastoral staff of a bishop, signifying his responsibilities and the authority by which he spiritually rules his flock.


DIKIROTRIKERA – (Gr. “set of two and three candles”). A set of two candleholders, one double-branched candlestick and another triple-branched, both used by the bishop in blessing at the liturgy. The Dikeron (double candleholder) signifies the two natures of Christ, while the Trikeron (triple candleholder) signifies the Holy Trinity.


DIPTYCHS – (Gr. “folding boards”). 1) Lists of names for living and dead, written on cardboard for their commemoration in the liturgy. 2) An official roster of the names of the heads (primates) of Orthodox jurisdictions read during the liturgy by concelebrating bishops, or the head of an ecclesiastical jurisdiction. 3) A type of icon… Read More


ECCLESIA – (Gr. “the gathering of the people”). 1) The gathering of the faithful at the church for worship and fellowship; 2) the church where the liturgy is celebrated; 3) the Church as the Body of Christ.


ECCLESIOLOGY – The branch of theology studying the nature, constitution, function, and membership of the Church.


ENCYCLICAL – (Gr. “moving in a circle”; “circulating”). A letter by the head of an Orthodox jurisdiction (Archbishop or Patriarch) to those under his spiritual authority. The content of such a letter may vary but it must refer to specific administrative or spiritual topics concerning the faithful.


EXAPTERYGA (Gr. “six-winged angels”). Metallic banners (fans) adorned with representations of angels carried at various processions of church services.


HETERODOXY – Different, alien, and presumably false belief or teaching. The Orthodox Church describes as such all other Christian denominations. Departure from orthodoxy is called heterodoxy.


KERYGMA – (Gr. “message; preaching”). Proclaiming or preaching the word of God in the manner of the Apostles. It is a method of church instruction centered mainly on Christ and the concept of salvation.


LITURGICS – The theological field that studies the liturgies and the various services and rituals of the Church.


MENEON – A liturgical book containing the lives of the saints and the special hymns (stichera) for the feast-days of the Orthodox Saints. It is divided into twelve volumes, one for each month.