Term | Definition |
COMMUNION OF SAINTS | COMMUNION OF SAINTS – All members of the Church, living and departed, are in fellowship and communion with each other, being one Body in Christ. When Christians depart this life, they remain a vital part of the Church, the Body of Christ. They are alive in the Lord and “registered in heaven” (Hebrews 12:23). They… Read More |
COMMUNION OF THE SICK | COMMUNION OF THE SICK – A special rite by which Holy Communion is taken to the sick room or hospital and administered at the bedside of the sick. The Reserved Holy Gifts are kept in the Tabernacle on the Altar for this purpose. The Reserved Gifts are prepared by the priest on Holy Thursday. The… Read More |
COMMUNION VERSE | COMMUNION VERSE – (Zaprichasten) A verse taken from the Psalms sung during the time when the priest and the faithful are receiving Holy Communion. |
COMPLINE, GRAND | COMPLINE, GRAND – (Sl. Velikoye Povecheriye) A worship service said after nightfall in monasteries, and in the parish it is combined with Matins to form the All-night Vigil service on the eves of Christmas and Theophany. |
CONCELEBRATION | CONCELEBRATION – The celebration of the Divine Liturgy by several priests at one altar at the same time, when one priest assists another in serving or celebrating the sacraments. The term is also used for bishops also. |
CONCORDANCE, BIBLICAL | CONCORDANCE, BIBLICAL – An index to the Bible arranged alphabetically under the principal words used in the text. |
CONFIRMATION | CONFIRMATION – The Sacrament of Chrismation. |
CONSECRATION | CONSECRATION – (1) The dedication of a person or thing to Divine Service or holy use; (2) the advancement of a member of the clergy to the rank of bishop; (3) the act of blessing of the elements of bread and wine in the Holy Eucharist. |
CONTRITION | CONTRITION – Grieving over sins with determination to avoid them in the future. |
CONVENT | CONVENT – The dwelling of religious women living under monastic vows. |
CONVERT | CONVERT – Any person who has reached the age of reason, not baptized or baptized outside of the Orthodox Church, renounces his errors and accepts the teachings of the Orthodox Church, is received as a member by Baptism, or by Chrismation, or Confession and Communion, as the case may require. |
CORPORAL | CORPORAL – (Sl. Antimins) The cloth on the Altar on which the Holy Eucharist is consecrated. |
COUNCIL, ECUMENICAL | COUNCIL, ECUMENICAL – (Sl. Sobor, Vselensky) Assembly of representatives of the Church legally convoked for the settlement of ecclesiastical or doctrinal disputes, and to legislate regarding matters of doctrine, discipline and worship. An assembly of the Pastors and Doctors of the Catholic Church of Christ, as far as possible, from the whole world, for the… Read More |
CROSS, ORTHODOX | CROSS, ORTHODOX – The Orthodox cross (in the Russian Church) has three bars. The top bar represents the inscription nailed above the head of Jesus (INRI –“Jesus, the King of the Jews”). The long bar on which the hands of Christ were nailed, the short slanting lower bar represents the footrest which points upward to… Read More |
CROSS, PECTORAL | CROSS, PECTORAL – A cross suspended round the neck by a chain and worn outside the vestments by the priest and bishop. |
CROSS, SIGN OF THE | CROSS, SIGN OF THE -The external representation of the Cross of Christ: the mark of Christians since the earliest days of Christian history. The Orthodox Church uses the sign of the Cross for all blessings. To make the sign of the cross upon one’s person, the thumb and the first two fingers of the right… Read More |
CROWN, MARRIAGE | CROWN, MARRIAGE – A metal crown or wreath which is placed upon the heads of the bride and groom during the ceremony of marriage. The crowns symbolically represent the power that is given to the newlyweds to be masters “king and queen” of their own home. |
CRUETS | CRUETS – Vessels with a long neck and handle in which the wine and water are kept on the Table of Oblation for use in preparing the elements of the Holy Eucharist. |
CUPOLA | CUPOLA – The steeple domes found on most Orthodox churches. There may be one cupola or as many as thirteen. One dome predominates and represents Christ as the head of the Church. On the roof of Orthodox churches are usually found one or more cupolas (towers with rounded or pointed roofs), called crests or summits…. Read More |
CURTAIN | CURTAIN – Drape over the Royal Doors of the Iconostas. |
CUSTOM | CUSTOM – Established usage having the force of law. The custom to bless water on the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord. The blessing of candles on the Feast of the Presentation of our Lord to the Temple. |
BAPTISMAL FONT | BAPTISMAL FONT – A basin on a stand which contains the water in which the child to be baptized is immersed. |
BANNS OF MARRIAGE | BANNS OF MARRIAGE – The public announcement of the names of persons intending marriage. The object of their publication in church is to discover impediments, to avoid secret marriages, and to give interested parties an opportunity to intervene if they have reasons to do so. Banns are usually announced in church three successive times. |
BANNERS | BANNERS – Metallic or of brocaded cloth with sacred icons, attached to poles, carried at the head of processions. |