Term | Definition |
CHAPEL | CHAPEL– (Sl. Chasovnya) A term used to indicate (1) a small church building; (2) a side altar under the same roof as a large church, like in a cathedral: (3) a room set aside for worship in a hospital or other institution. |
CHAPLAIN | CHAPLAIN – A priest who performs non-parochial duties like in military service ministering to the spiritual needs of the military personnel, or various other institutions, such as schools, hospitals and prisons. |
CHAPTER | CHAPTER – (Sl. Glava) A main division of one of the books of the Bible. |
CHARISMATA | CHARISMATA – (Gr. divine gifts) A term used by St. Paul (ROMANS 12:6, I COR. 12:4) to describe gifts, graces granted by God primarily for the good of others rather than for the good of the person who receives the gift. |
CHASUBLE | CHASUBLE – (SlI. Phelon) The external vestment without sleeves, short in the front with an opening for the head, worn by priests in the celebration of Divine Liturgy. |
CHERUBIM | CHERUBIM – An order of angels near to the throne of God. St. Gregory the Great says the word means “‘fulness of knowledge,’ and they are so called because they are filled with a knowledge which is more perfect since they are allowed to behold the glory of God more closely.” They kept the gates… Read More |
CHERUBIMIC HYMN | CHERUBIMIC HYMN (CHERUBIC HYMN) – The hymn sung at Divine Liturgy just before the Great Entrance, broken off during the Entrance and finished when the priest has placed the chalice and paten on the altar. The Cherubic Hymn is the primary cherubikon, or song of the angels, sung during every Divine Liturgy of the year… Read More |
CHIROTONIA | CHIROTONIA – (Gr. Laying on of hands) Ordination; the Sacrament of Holy Orders. More specifically – the consecration of a bishop. |
CHOIR | CHOIR – The persons who sing the responses at Divine Liturgy and other services. |
CHRISM, HOLY | CHRISM, HOLY – (Sl. Myrrho) Holy Oil composed of many ingredients, used in the Sacrament of Chrismation. It is mixed and blessed by a group of bishops on Thursday of the Holy Week. |
CHRISTMAS DAY | CHRISTMAS DAY – The feast of the Nativity or Birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ. It falls on December 25. The Russian Church celebrates it January 7 because the New Calendar (Gregorian) is thirteen days ahead of the Julian Calendar. |
CHRISOM | CHRISOM – (Sl. Krizhma) A white cloth put over the child in baptism as a sign of innocence and birth into the life of purity and holiness. |
CHRIST | CHRIST – (Gr. the ‘Annointed One’) Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the second Person of the Holy Trinity, who was incarnate and became Man, and was crucified and on the third day He rose from the dead. By His death on the Cross he reconciled man with God and opened the way to eternal… Read More |
CHRISTEN | CHRISTEN – To name an infant at Baptism; to receive into the Church by Baptism. |
CHRISTIAN | CHRISTIAN – One who is baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, and becomes a part of the Mystical Body of Christ which is His Church. Followers of Christ were first called Christians at Antioch (Acts 11:26). In modern times the name Christian has usually been… Read More |
CHRISTIAN CALENDAR | CHRISTIAN CALENDAR – The ecclesiastical calendar (or Church Year) of the seasons and holy days and saints’ days. |
CHRISTIAN NAME | CHRISTIAN NAME – The name given and received in Holy Baptism. |
CHURCH MILITANT | CHURCH MILITANT – A term for members of the Church on earth in warfare against sin and evil, as distinguished from the members of the Church Triumphant in Heaven. (HEB. 12:23) Not that there are two churches, we believe in only One Holy Cathlic and Apostalic Church, all members of the One Church remain united… Read More |
CHURCH WARDEN | CHURCH WARDEN – (Sl. Starosta) A layman elected by the members of a parish to be the chairman of the Parish Council which administers the parochial church property. |
CHURCHING OF WOMEN | CHURCHING OF WOMEN – A service of thanksgiving of women after childbirth; related to the ancient Biblical law (LEV. 12:6). The new-born infant is brought to church by its mother usually on the fortieth day, in memory of how Jesus was presented at the Temple of Jerusalem by His Most-Holy Mother. The priest meets the… Read More |
CIVIL MARRIAGE | CIVIL MARRIAGE – Marriage contracted by civil authorities, like a Justic of the Peace. In the case of Orthodox faithful such marriage is not recognized as valid in the eyes of the Church. Marriage is a Holy Sacrament and must be solemnized by the Church. |
CLERGY | CLERGY (Sl. Duchovenstvo) – A collective name for those who are ordained in the three-fold ministry of the Church – bishops, priests and deacons, as distinguished from laymen. Clergy are those in the Orthodox Church who have been called by God to fulfill specific functions of service and leadership in the Church (Acts 6:1-6, 13:3;… Read More |
COLORS, LITURGICAL | COLORS, LITURGICAL – There is no special designation or sequence of colors in the rubrics of the Orthodox Church. However, the custom practiced in most churches is as follows: white or gold, usually brocaded are the most commonly-used. White especially for Easter, gold for Sundays, blue for feasts of the Most Holy Virgin. purple for… Read More |
COMMANDMENTS OF THE CHURCH | COMMANDMENTS OF THE CHURCH – Precepts given to the faithful to strengthening of their spiritual life: 1) To attend worship services on Sundays and Feast days; 2) To observe fast days and seasons; 3) To receive Communion at least once a year, especially before Easter; 4) To support the Church with material means; 5) Not… Read More |