Term | Definition |
FESTAL MINEON | FESTAL MINEON – Service Book used by the reader or the choir with the Sticheras for all the Feast days of the year. |
FRUITS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT | FRUITS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT – Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance (GAL. 5:22-23). |
EXORCISM | EXORCISM – Forbidding the devil to have any power over the newly baptized in the Sacrament of Baptism. The desire to be joined to Christ, confession of faith and worship of the Holy Trinity. |
EAGLE | EAGLE – (Sl. Orletz) A round piece of carpet about 20 inches in diameter with the figure of an eagle with outstretched wings on which the Bishop stands during celebration of services. It symbolizes the authority of the bishop over his province. |
ECCLESIASTICAL | ECCLESIASTICAL – 1) Having to do with the Church. Appropriate to a church or to use in a church. 2) Of or relating to a church, especially as an organized institution. |
EASTWARD POSITION | EASTWARD POSITION – From a very ancient custom the celebrant at the altar and the people at worship face the East, so the churches are built to have the altar side face the East. Christ is like the rising sun giving warmth and light to the Christian way of life. |
ECUMENICAL COUNCILS | ECUMENICAL COUNCILS – An assembly of representatives of the Church legally convoked, for the settlement of ecclesiastical affairs, formulating dogmas and making rules of faith and morals. The Orthodox Church recognized seven Ecumenical Councils. |
ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT | ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT – (Ecumenism) An attempt by the Christian churches throughout the world to find some basis for the re-union of Christendom. The Ecumenical Movement takes as its guiding principle the Protestant view of the Church. Protestants hold that there is no single truth and no single visible Church, but that each of the many… Read More |
EDICT OF MILAN | EDICT OF MILAN -The decree of Emperor Constantine in 313 granting freedom in the exercise of their religion to Christians. |
EKTENIYA | EKTENIYA – (EKTENIA Litany) A series of petitions chanted by the priest or deacon to each of which the choir responds. It is supplication or fervent prayer that comes out of the heart. These petitions call upon God’s mercy. |
ELEMENTS | ELEMENTS – The material things used in the Holy Sacraments, like the bread and wine in Holy Communion and water in Baptism. |
EMINENCE, HIS | EMINENCE, HIS – Title given to the Metropolitan and Archbishop. |
ENTRANCE | ENTRANCE – The solemn procession of the celebrants of Divine Liturgy with the Holy Gospel from the front of the altar, around it and through the north door to the ambo and into the Sanctuary through the Royal Doors. This is the Lesser Entrance. The Great Entrance is made when the Holy Gifts are taken… Read More |
EPARCHY | EPARCHY – (Gr. province) A diocese headed by a bishop. |
EPIGONATION | EPIGONATION – (Sl. Palitsa) A diamond shaped vestment worn on the right side by priest of higher rank and by bishop. The diamond-shaped sword or shield worn over the right hip. It is usually given as a sign of honor as well as to those authorized to hear confessions. |
EPIKLESIS | EPIKLESIS – (Epiclesis, Gr. invocation) Prayer that the Holy Ghost may come down upon the bread and wine and turn it into Christ’s body and blood. |
EPIMANIKIA | EPIMANIKIA – The cuffs made of vestment material and ornamented with a cross. They are worn over the sleeves of the alb. |
EPIPHANY | EPIPHANY?(Gr. manifestation) Feast of the Baptism of our Lord (Jan. 6). One of its main features is the blessing of water. This feast is also known as THEOPHANY., (Sl. Bogoyavleniye), manisfestation of God in the Holy Trinity?God the Father in the Voice that was heard: “This is My Beloved Son, in Whom I am well… Read More |
EPISCOPATE | EPISCOPATE – Collectively, the entire body of bishops. |
EPISTLE | EPISTLE – (Sl. Apostol) 1. Liturgical, A portion of the New Testament Scriptures read by the deacon or layman before the reading of the Gospel at Divine Liturgy. The book of the Epistles, or Apostle, contains the following books of the New Testament: the Acts of the Apostles, the Catholic or General epistles, and the… Read More |
EPITAPHION | EPITAPHION – (Gr. tomb) An ornamented bier representing the tomb of our Lord. On Good Friday the Shroud (Sl. Plaschanitsa) is placed on the epitaphwn in the service of the Burial of our Lord. It is surrounded with flowers. In the evening the Shroud is carried in procession around the church and then placed again… Read More |
EPITRAKHELION | EPITRAKHELION – (Gr. upon the neck) The part of the vestment that goes round the neck, joined in front. |
ETERNAL LIFE | ETERNAL LIFE 1) Life of the soul which continues without end after the death of the body. It is a life of blessedness for those who are saved, and suffering for those who are condemned. 2) (an appellation or Title of Jesus) “And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given… Read More |
ETERNITY | ETERNITY – The attribute of God by which He is without beginning and without end. |