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FOREFEAST – A forefeast (also known as prefeast) is a period of time preceding certain major feasts of the Christian year during which the Church anticipates the approaching festival. The liturgical life of the Church reflects this anticipation by foreshadowing the feast in the divine services celebrated during the forefeast.  Most commemorations that have a forefeast also have an afterfeast and a leavetaking.  The period of a forefeast varies from 1 to 5 days, depending on the particular feast.

  • Nativity of the Theotokos (September 8)—forefeast: 1 day (September 7)
  • Elevation of the Holy Cross (September 14)—forefeast: 1 day (September 13)
  • Presentation of the Theotokos (November 21)—forefeast: 1 day (November 20)
  • Nativity of Christ (December 25)—forefeast: 5 days (December 20 – December 24)
  • Theophany (January 6)—forefeast: 4 days (January 2 – January 5)
  • Presentation of Christ (February 2)—forefeast: 1 day (February 1)
  • Annunciation (March 25)—forefeast: 1 day (March 24)
  • Transfiguration (August 6)—forefeast: 1 day (August 5)
  • Dormition (August 15)—forefeast: 1 day (August 14)