Terminology - TUESDAY

Term Definition

WEEKLY CYCLE OF SERVICES – Every day of the week is consecrated to certain special memories, as follows: Sunday – Resurrection of Jesus Christ; Monday – the holy Angels; Tuesday – to the memory of the Prophets, among them St. John the Forerunner; Wednesday – Theotokos; Thursday – Memory of the Holy Apostles, and all… Read More

Daily Troparia and Kontakia (hymns)

Daily Troparia and Kontakia MONDAY Commemoration of the Holy Angels. Troparion: Supreme Leaders of the Heavenly Hosts, we implore you that by your prayers you will encircle us, unworthy as we are, with the protection of the wings of your immaterial glory, and guard us who fall down I before you and fervently cry: Deliver… Read More

I Corinthians 15:39-57 (For the Departed – Tuesday)

I Corinthians 15:39-57 (For the Departed – Tuesday) BRETHREN, for not all flesh is alike, but there is one kind for men, another for animals, another for birds, and another for fish.  There are celestial bodies and there are terrestrial bodies; but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial… Read More

Psalm 111:6 (Communion Hymn for Tuesday Forerunner and Martyr)

Psalm 111:6 (Communion Hymn for Tuesday Forerunner and Martyr) (Also Communion Hymn for a Hierarch feast day) (Psalm 112:6  – Hebrew Numbering) The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance.  He shall not fear evil tidings.