Submit an Article Help


How to Access the edit page.

You can access the “Submit an Article” for a New]page either by selecting “Submit new article” on the User Menu.

You can access the “Submit an Article” to Edit an existing? page by selecting the edit icon (edit icon) on the article.??

Users must be logged on to edit pages.

Screen shot of editor box screen.

  • Set the Banner module Parameter ‘Search By Tags’ to ‘Yes in the Banner Module Edit screen.

  • In combination with the Related Articles module, to display Articles that share at least one keyword in common. For example, if the current Article displayed has the keywords “cats, dogs, monkeys”, any other Articles with at least one of these keywords will show in the Related Articles module.

  • Quick Tips

    • You can add images using either the TinyMCE Insert/Edit Image icon or the Image button below the edit area. For adding new images in an Article, it is easier to use the Image button (below the edit area). This is because it lets you browse to the image file and also lets you upload images. However, for editing an existing image, you need to use the TinyMCE icon. The Image button only supports adding new images.?

    • Read more…‘ breaks allow you to save space on the Front Page or on any blog layout page by showing just the first portion of an Article. ‘Pagebreaks’ allow you to provide multi-page navigation for long Articles. You can use both on one Article, if desired. For example, you could put a ‘Read more…’ break after the first paragraph of a multi-page article, and have Pagebreaks after each page. No page navigation would display on the Front Page until the User selects the ‘Read more…’ link. At that time, the Article’s table of contents would display showing links to every page.?

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