Prayer to the Most-holy Theotokos, Joy of all the Sorrowful

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To the Most-holy Theotokos, Joy of all the Sorrowful

O Most-holy Mother of God, Joy of all the Sorrowful
Grant thy mercy to us sinners.
Thy Son now sits on the throne of the Eternal Kingdom,
And all our troubles thou seest; thou knowest them as they occur.
Thou hast always prayed to Christ God for the faithful,
And hast relieved much pain and misery of the sorrowful.
O Holy Virgin, never cease, to the end of time,
To pray for the salvation of our race.
God hast made thee even more glorious than the Seraphim:
O hasten to us, O Joy of all the Sorrowful!


Another pray to the Mother of God, Joy of all the Sorrowful

O All-Holy Lady Theotokos,

More exalted than the Cherubim and more honorable than the Seraphim,
O Divinely-Chosen Maiden, Joy of All the Sorrowful,
Grant consolation also to us, who are in sorrow:

For without you we have no other refuge or help.

You alone are the mediatress of our joy and as the Mother of God and the Mother of mercy,
Standing at the throne of the All-Holy Trinity,
You are able to help us:

For no one that flees to you departs ashamed.

Therefore hear us now, on the day of sorrow,
who fall down before your icon and pray to You in tears:

Drive away from us sorrows and grief in this temporal life,
That we may not be deprived of your omnipotent intercession and of the eternal,
Unending joy in the Kingdom of Your Son and our God.
