Prayer of Thanksgiving

Read time: 1 min5139 Hits


O Lord my Savior and my Master, I, Thine unprofitable servant,
with fear and trembling give thanks unto Thy loving goodness for all Thy benefits
which Thou hast poured so abundantly upon me, Thy servant.

I fall down in adoration before Thee and offer Thee, O god, my praises;
with fervor I cry to Thee:

O God, deliver me henceforth from all adversities and mercifully fulfill in me such of my desires as may be expedient for me.

Hear me, I entreat Thee, and have mercy,
for Thou art the Hope of all the ends of the earth, and unto Thee,
with the Father, and the Holy Spirit, be ascribed glory,
now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

I praise Thee, O God of our Fathers, I hymn Thee, I bless Thee,
I give thanks unto thee for Thy great and tender mercy.

To Thee I flee, O merciful and mighty God.

Shine into my heart with the True Sun of Thy righteousness.

Enlighten my mind and keep all my senses,
that henceforth I may walk uprightly and keep Thy commandments, and may finally attain unto eternal life, even to Thee,
Who art the source of life, and be admitted to the glorious fruition of Thy inaccessible Light.

For Thou art my God, and unto Thee, O Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
be ascribed glory, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.