St. John of Kronstadt, Wonderworker (hymns)

Read time: 1 min6307 Hits

St. John of Kronstadt, Wonderworker

Troparion, Tone 4:

With the Apostles your message has gone out to the ends of the world,
With the Confessors you endured sufferings for Christ;
You are like the Hierarchs by your preaching of the Word,
With the monks who are saints you were radiant with God’s grace.
Therefore the Lord exalted the abyss of your humility above the heavens and has given us your name as a source of most wonderful miracles.
And so, O Wonderworker, living in Christ forever,
With love have mercy on those who are in trouble and hear your children who with faith call upon you,
O righteous John, our beloved shepherd.

Kontakion, Tone 4:

O you who from infancy were chosen by God,
And miraculously received from Him in childhood the gift of teaching,
And were gloriously called to the priesthood in a vision during sleep:
You proved to be a wonderful shepherd of the Church of Christ,
O Father John, namesake of grace.
Pray Christ our God that we may all be with you in the kingdom of heaven.