Prayer in Time of Storms

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Prayer in Time of Storms

These prayers may be recited again and again throughout the period of the hurricane or other storms.

 O Lord Who does summon the waters of the sea and again by Thine almighty power art able to hold them back and illumine all that is under the heavens, in repentance we pray Thee, hearken and, out of love for mankind have mercy.

Lord have mercy (3x)

As the eyes of a servant look unto his master, so do our eyes look with faith unto Thee, O our God, until Thou hast compassion on us. Therefore, destroy us not with immeasurable rains and evil winds but mercifully look upon us with good weather, and compassionately have mercy.

Lord have mercy (3x)

Remember not our transgressions, O Master, for it Thou does consider the lawless, no one will be able to stand before Thee. But let Thy compassions quickly go before us, O Lord, for we have become exceedingly poor. Let not bad weather corrupt us, neither let it destroy our homes and towns, we pray Thee, quickly hear us and have mercy.

Lord have mercy (3x)

O Lord let no watery storms drown us, and let it not ravage the earth and destroy us. But as Thou art good, do Thou direct the rushing of the water, and as Thou art mighty, do Thou command that it become a moderate course with healthful air, as Thou art rich in mercies, with broken hearts we pray Thee, hear us and have mercy.

Lord have mercy (3x)