Prayer after the Departing of the Soul

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Prayer after the Departing of the Soul

Remember, O Lord our God,
this Thy servant our brother (sister), (name), who now stands before Thee in the faith and hope of life eternal.

Release him from his (her) sins,
destroying his (her) iniquity, pardoning,
loosing and freeing him/her from all his (her) transgressions,
voluntary and involuntary.

Save him (her) from the eternal sufferings and fires of hell.

Grant him (her) to enjoy and to share in Thy eternal bliss which Thou hast prepared for all that love Thee:
Though he (she) has sinned,
yet has he (she) not rejected Thee,
confessing Thee faithfully even in his (her) last breath
– the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and believing in God glorified in the Holy Trinity,
One in Three and Three in One,
according to the Orthodox Faith.

Be therefore merciful and grant him (her) rest with all Thy Saints,
for Thou art bountiful.

No man who lives is without sin, and Thou alone are free from all stain,
and Thy truth abides for ever.

Thou are the one merciful and bountiful God who lovest mankind,
and to Thee we ascribe glory,
to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit now and forever and unto ages of ages.
