Hymn of the holy three children

Read time: 3 mins4617 Hits

THE EIGHTH ODE –  The Hymn of the Holy Three Children (Dan. 3: 57-88)

 Praise the Lord, ye creatures which He hath made.
 Praise the Lord, ye works of His, and exalt Him above all for ever.

 Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord: praise the Lord, and exalt Him above all for ever.
 Bless the Lord, all ye angels of the Lord, and ye heavens of the Lord: praise the Lord, and exalt Him above all for ever.
 Bless the Lord, all ye waters that are above the heavens, and all ye powers of the Lord: praise the Lord, and exalt Him above for ever.
 Bless the Lord, O ye sun and moon, and ye stars of heaven: praise the Lord, and exalt Him above all for ever.
 Bless the Lord, every shower and dew, and all ye winds: praise the Lord, and exalt Him above all for ever.
 Bless the Lord, O ye fire and heat, ye winter cold and summer heat: praise the Lord, and exalt Him above all for ever.
 Bless the Lord, O ye falls of dew and snow, ye ice and cold: praise the Lord, and exalt Him above all for ever.
 Bless the Lord, O ye frosts and snows, ye lightning and clouds: praise the Lord, and exalt Him above all for ever.
 Bless the Lord, O ye light and darkness, ye night and day: praise the Lord, and exalt Him above for ever.
 Bless the Lord, O ye earth, ye mountains and hills, and all things that spring up therein: praise the Lord, and exalt Him above for ever.
 Bless the Lord, O ye fountains, ye seas and floods, ye monsters of the sea, and all things that move in the waters: praise the Lord, and exalt Him above all for ever.
 Bless the Lord, all ye winged creatures of the air, ye beasts and all cattle: praise the Lord, and exalt Him above all for ever.
 Bless the Lord, O ye sons of men; let Israel bless the Lord: raise the Lord, and exalt Him above all for ever.

 For 8 verses

 Bless the Lord, O ye priests of the Lord, ye servants of the Lord: praise the Lord, and exalt Him above all for ever.
 Bless the Lord, O ye spirits and souls of the righteous, ye holy and humble of heart: praise the Lord, and exalt Him above all for ever.

 For 6 verses

 Bless the Lord, O Ananias, Azarias and Misael: praise the Lord, and exalt Him above all for ever.
 Bless the Lord, O ye apostles, ye prophets and martyrs of the Lord: praise the Lord, and exalt Him above all for ever.

 For 4 verses

 Let us bless the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Lord: let us praise the Lord, and exalt Him above all for ever.
 Let us praise, and bless, and worship the Lord: praising the Lord, and exalting Him above all for ever.