Conception of the Honorable Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John (hymns)

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Conception of the Honorable Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John

Kontakion – Tone 1

Great Zachariah rejoices with his wife, the far-famed Elizabeth,
for she has fittingly conceived John the Forerunner,
whom an angel announced in gladness;
and whom we rightly honor
as an initiate of the grace of God.

Troparion – Tone 4

Rejoice, O barren one, who formerly did not bear a child,
for you have conceived the Lamp of the Sun, who is to illumine the whole universe darkened by blindness.
Rejoice, O Zachariah
and cry out with boldness:
“The prophet of the Most High desires to be born!”