Prophecies in scripture order

By: Bishop Alexander (Mileant)Read time: 2 mins3492 Hits

Prophecies in scripture order

Book of Genesis

  • 3:15 The Family of the Spouse shall crush the serpent’s head
  • 22:18 Blessing the descendents of Abraham
  • 49:10 Conciliator from the line of Judah


  • 24:17 The Star of Jacob


  • 18:18-19 A prophet similar to Moses


  • 19:25-27 Of the Redeemer who shall be resurrected

II Samuel

  • 7:13  Everlasting Messianic Kingdom

I Chron.

  • 17:12-13 Everlasting Messianic Kingdom


  • 2nd Messiah — Son of God
  • 16th His flesh shall not see decay
  • 22nd Messiah’s suffering on the cross
  • 40th The Messiah came to fulfill the will of God
  • 45th Messiah — God
  • 72nd Description of Messiah’s glory
  • 95th On unbelief
  • 110th High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek
  • 118th He — is the stone rejected by builders

Prophet Isaiah

  • 2:2-3 Messianic Kingdom is similar to a mountain
  • 6:9-10 Unbelief of the Hebrews
  • 7:14 Birth from a Virgin
  • 9:1-2 Sermon in Galilee
  • 9:6-7 Messiah — a strong God, Father of eternity
  • 11:1-10 On Him — the Spirit of God, about the Church
  • 12:3 About joy and blessings
  • 25-27ch Songs of praise for the Messiah
  • 28:16 He — is the cornerstone
  • 35:5-7 He shall heal all possible maladies
  • 42:1-4 On the meekness of God’s Branch
  • 43:16-28 Calling of the heathens
  • 44:3 Pouring of blessings by the Holy Spirit
  • 49:6 Messiah — a light to mankind
  • 50:4-11 On the insults to Messiah
  • 53rd ch. On the suffering and resurrection of the Messiah
  • 54:1-5 On summoning the heathens into the Kingdom
  • 55:3 On the everlasting Testament
  • 60:1-5 His Kingdom — the New Jerusalem
  • 61:1-2 Messiah’s deeds of compassion

Prophet Joel

  • 2:28-32 On the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Prophet Osee

  • 1:9 & 2:23 Summoning the heathens
  • 6:1-2 Resurrection on the third day
  • 13:14 The annihilation of death

Prophet Amos

  • 8:9 On the darkening of the sun
  • 9:11 On the restoration of David’s Tabernacle

Prophet Micah

  • 5:2 On the birth of the Messiah in Bethlehem

Prophet Jeremiah

  • 23:5 Messiah — a righteous King
  • 31:15 The slaughter of infants in Bethlehem
  • 31:31-34 Establishment of the New Testament


  • 3:36-38 On the coming of God on earth

Prophet Ezekiel

  • 34:23-24 Messiah — Shepherd
  • 36:24-27 Law of God written on hearts
  • 37:23 Messiah — King and Good Shepherd

Prophet Daniel

  • 2:34-44 Messianic Kingdom likened to a mountain
  • 7:13-14 Vision of the Son of Man
  • 9:24-27 Prophecy of the seventy weeks

Prophet Aggeus

  • 2:6-7 On Messiah’s visitation of the Temple

Prophet Habakkuk

  • 3:11 On faith

Prophet Zacharias

  • 3:8-9 Sins of mankind are erased in oneday
  • 6:12 Messiah — Priest
  • 9:9-11 Entry of the Messiah into Jeriusalem
  • 11:12 On the thirty pieces of silver
  • 12:10 & 13:1 On the crucifixion of the Messiah, On the Holy Spirit
  • 14:5-9 Darkness during the crucifixion, and on blessings

Prophet Malachias

  • 3:1 The Angel of the Testament will arrive soon.