Division of the Kingdom into Two: Judah and Israel

By: Fr. Seraphim SlobodskoyRead time: 2 mins4881 Hits

The Division of the Kingdom into Two: Judah and Israel

After Solomon’s death, his son Rehoboam ruled. He spoke severely to the people. “My father made your yoke heavy, and I will add to your yoke. My father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions,” (scorpions — whips at the end of which were clusters of threaded metallic nuts).

A large part of the Israelite kingdom then rose up against Rehoboam. Ten of the Israelite tribes separated from Rehoboam, chose for themselves Jeroboam, from the tribe of Ephraim, as King and made up a special kingdom which began to be called Israel. Two tribes, Judah and Benjamin, remained with Rehoboam and formed the Judean kingdom. The Israelites from this kingdom began to be called Jews.

In this way the Kingdom of Israel was divided into two: Judah and Israel. The city of Jerusalem remained the capital of the Judean kingdom, and the city of Samaria became the capital of Israel.

On great feasts the inhabitants of the Israelite kingdom went to worship God in the Temple in Jerusalem which did not please King Jeroboam. He was afraid that his subjects would become close friends with the Jews and would join the Judean kingdom. So that they would no longer go to Jerusalem, Jeroboam placed in two cities of his kingdom two golden calves and announced to the people, “There is no need for you to go to Jerusalem. Here are your gods which brought you out of Egypt.” All the Israelite people began to worship these idols, instead of the true God, and after Jeroboam all the kings of the Israelite kingdom were godless, profane idolaters. They made the whole Israelite people impious.

In the Judean kingdom all the kings came from the line of David, but few of them were kind or pious. The people, imitating the impious kings, sinned much before God. To make the Hebrew people, both the Judeans and the Israelites, come to their senses, the Lord sent many prophets.

Note: See I Kings, chaps. 12-15; II Chron., chaps. 10-13.

(from: The Law of God by Fr. Seraphim Slobodskoy)