
Read time: 1 min437 Hits


The Sisterhood’s food drive is ongoing. Donation bins are located both
downstairs and in the back of the church. Please be generous. Thank you!

Please consider mailing your weekly donation to our treasurer:
Church of the Mother of God, c/o Holly Dawson, treasurer,
111 Main Ave, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234

Thank you to everyone who has been sending in their donations. (There is also a donation basket at the candle stand.)

Our treasurer, Hala Dawson, set up a Venmo account that can be used for donations to our parish. It is at

Announcements or Prayer Requests for the bulletin, should be submitted by email to:

The Grey Book Step Meeting Group of Narcotics Anonymous meets every Tuesday from 7-8:00 pm downstairs in the community room.

The Living Clean Group of Narcotics Anonymous meets every Friday from 8-9:15 pm downstairs in the community room.