Articles List: Orthodox Church

Articles about the Orthodox Church
This section of our website, is a collection of articles about the Orthodox Church. We hope the articles in this section will be helpful to inquires of Orthodoxy, Catechumens, and to those who are members of the Church.
Good starting points would be:

The Orthodox Church: An Introduction
Meeting The Orthodox
What is the Orthodox Church?
Sources of Christian Doctrine
A Pastoral Letter on the Occasion of the Third Christian Millennium (a re-telling of the Good Nehttp:/articles/pastoral-letter-of-scoba-hierarchs/ws of God’s love for us)

Article Read Time Hit Count Written by
The Veneration of the Virgin Mary in the Orthodox Church 6 mins 6023 Archbishop Dmitri of Dallas
The Way Into the Kingdom of Heaven 64 mins 10379 St. Innocent of Alaska
Theology and Eucharist 33 mins 4713 Fr. Alexander Schmemann
Watch! Keeping Your Focus 5 mins 3986 St. John Maximovitch
Way of the Ascetics 88 mins 10160 Tito Colliander
What is Holy Chrismation? 4 mins 3526 Fr. Michael J. Buben
What is Primary to Orthodox Spirituality? 13 mins 3130 Rick Burns
What is the Orthodox Church? 5 mins 5986 Fr. John Meyendorff
Where Do We Go from Here? 19 mins 4330 Metropolitan Jonah
Which English Translation Of The Bible Should I Use? 18 mins 14091 Metropolitan Isaiah
Which is the Oldest Church? 3 mins 4730 V Rev Dr Miltiades B. Efthimiou
Who Gave Us the New Testament? 18 mins 5489 Fr. A. James Bernstein
Who is a Parish Member? 7 mins 6385 Fr. Alexander Garklavs
Why Are Vigil Lamps Lit Before Icons 2 mins 4191 St. Nikolai of Ohrid and Zica
Why Not “Open Communion”? 19 mins 8427 Fr. John Breck