Way of the Ascetics (Page 1 of 27)

By: Tito CollianderRead time: 88 mins10267 Hits

Way of the Ascetics

By Tito Colliander


The “Way of the Ascetics” is an introduction to the narrow way that leads to life. It is a simple yet profound exposition of the spiritual life taught by the Orthodox Church for two thousand years. It is a portal to the vast spiritual experience of the desert fathers, and an insight into the spiritual lives of the saints. Reminiscent of the Ladder of St. John Climacus, “Way of the Ascetics” compells us to again begin the struggle to climb away from the world to the Kingdom of Heaven
In our era of new-age spirituality and homemade religion, the simple patristic style of this work is consoling. In our age of spiritual naivete, the simple and understandable instructions offered herein are enlightening and inspiring. We offer this text here on the internet for the first time, so that all spiritual neophytes in need of simple and easy to follow instructions may once again set out on the time-tested way that leads to the Kingdom of Heaven.


Note from the Author
This work is based on the holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church and consists largely of direct or freely rendered extracts from their writings, together with some necessary interpretation and practical application.
Scriptural quotations are from the Authorized Version, except those from the Psalms, which follow the Prayer Book Psalter.


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