The Paschal Service (Page 2 of 7)

By: Fr. Paul LazorRead time: 8 mins15329 Hits


The Christian faith is celebrated in the liturgy of the Church. True celebration is always a living participation. It is not a mere attendance at services. It is communion in the power of the event being celebrated. It is God’s free gift of joy given to spiritual men as a reward for their self-denial. It is the fulfillment of spiritual and physical effort and preparation. The resurrection of Christ, being the center of the Christian faith, is the basis of the Church’s liturgical life and the true model for all celebration.

This is the chosen and holy day,
first of sabbaths, king and lord of days,
the feast of feasts, holy day of holy days.
On this day we bless Christ forevermore (Irmos 8, Paschal Canon).

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