Articles List:

Article Read Time Hit Count Written by
Introduction to the Lives of the Saints 28 mins 5173 Ven. Justin Popovich
Baptism – The Sacraments 3 mins 4641 V. Rev. Thomas Hopko
The Glorification of the Saints in the Orthodox Church 4 mins 4628 Fr. Joseph Frawley
General Confession 5 mins 5628 Fr. Alexander Schmemann
Infant Baptism in the Orthodox Church 39 mins 9034 Fr. Kaleeg Hainsworth
Our Time, Talent, and Treasure 6 mins 4226 Bishop Michael
The Calendar of the Orthodox Church 9 mins 3319 Dr. Lewis J. Patsavos, Ph.D.
God in Trinity 13 mins 5148 Bishop Kallistos
What is Primary to Orthodox Spirituality? 13 mins 3129 Rick Burns
Christian Dogma and Defending God’s Truth 6 mins 4436 Archbishop Dmitri of Dallas
Pre-Lent 3 mins 6759 Fr. Thomas Hopko
The Curtain of the Temple 7 mins 4988 Fr. Dimitri Cozby
Christian Life 4 mins 3888 Fr. Seraphim Slobodskoy
The Saints – Holy Tradition 3 mins 8711 Fr. Thomas Hopko
Church Art – Holy Tradition 3 mins 4176 Fr. Thomas Hopko
The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity 20 mins 7319 Fr. Thomas Hopko
The Doctrine of Jesus Christ 62 mins 7238 Fr. Thomas Hopko
Service books of the Church 5 mins 6664
The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit 2 mins 4197 Timothy Ware ( Bishop Kallistos of Diokleia)
The Orthodox Church: An Introduction 7 mins 5004 Metropolitan Kallistos Ware
The Doctrine of Eternal Life 3 mins 4640 Fr. Thomas Hopko
The Doctrine of Faith 5 mins 3667 Fr. Thomas Hopko
The Doctrine of God 7 mins 4004 Fr. Thomas Hopko
The Doctrine of Creation 5 mins 4521 Fr. Thomas Hopko