Articles List:

Article Read Time Hit Count Written by
Icon of the Entry Into Jerusalem 2 mins 8195
Icon of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ 5 mins 10401
Icon of the Presentation (Meeting) of Our Lord 2 mins 8012
Icon of the Entrance of the Theotokos in the Temple 2 mins 8952
Icon of the Annunciation to the Theotokos 3 mins 7957
Icon of Saint Nicholas of Myra 8 mins 7496
Great and Holy Friday 13 mins 10409 Fr. Paul Lazor
Guidance to the Repentant 29 mins 9957 Bishop Alexander (Mileant)
Fifty Five Maxims 6 mins 6091 Fr. Thomas Hopko
How can I know God as God really is? 4 mins 6034 Fr. Thomas Hopko
A Time of Crisis and Opportunity: Part II 24 mins 4503 Metropolitan Jonah
The Divine Liturgy 53 mins 11070 Fr. Seraphim Slobodskoy
Vespers 11 mins 8359 Fr. Seraphim Slobodskoy
Matins 9 mins 8120 Fr. Seraphim Slobodskoy
Bells and Russian Orthodox Peals 25 mins 9154 Fr. Seraphim Slobodskoy
Meeting The Orthodox 40 mins 11929 Fr. Thomas Hopko
The Way Into the Kingdom of Heaven 64 mins 10484 St. Innocent of Alaska
Who is a Parish Member? 7 mins 6485 Fr. Alexander Garklavs
Forgiveness Sunday 4 mins 5758 Fr. Alexander Schmemann
Concerning Monasticism and Monasteries 10 mins 5149 Fr. Seraphim Slobodskoy
Prayers for the Dead: Pannikhida 27 mins 14639 Bishop Alexander (Mileant)
Prayer, from The Ladder of Divine Ascent 7 mins 7809 St. John Climacus
Pentecost (8th Sunday after Pascha) 23 mins 6503 Sergei Bulgakov
Feast of the Ascension 3 mins 7252 Fr. Thomas Hopko